Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services
Inuvik (Apr 13/01) - The Inuvik Suicide Crisis Line is up and running.
Efforts to create the suicide crisis line began in October, and Pam McDonald became involved from the start.
McDonald, a medical assistant at Arctic Family Medical House, belongs to one of the six teams involved in staffing the line. Each three-person team is responsible for answering calls for a week at a time.
Like the other volunteers, she took a nine-hour training session, which she said covers a wide range of subjects.
"It brings in a lot of moral issues," McDonald said.
She said there was a "huge" need for this line.
"Even if it's not used, at least it is there in case of a crisis. The territories have such a high rate of suicide in adolescents."
McDonald said things have gone well so far, though more volunteers are desired.
"We're going to have ongoing training and support for the people that actually do volunteer."
The service began March 15 and is available weekdays from 5 p.m. until 8:30 a.m., and all through the weekends. The number is 777-6433.