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Going offshore

Company plans marine seismic program

Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Mar 09/01) - A two-year marine seismic program is in the works for the Beaufort Sea.

Anderson Resources Ltd. is planning to conduct the program over this summer and the summer of 2002 in search of natural gas. The area lies within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.

The area is about 61 kilometres long and 24 kilometres wide and is located north of Richard's Island, Garry Island, Pelly Island, Hooper Island, Pullen Island and Hendrickson Island.

The company recently held a community meeting at Ingamo Hall to discuss their proposal.

Afterwards, Heather Taylor, northern affairs and regulator co-ordinator with Anderson Exploration Ltd., explained the seismic program will be done on a boat, and that this type of program is highly specialized.

"Employment opportunities aren't as great as, say, land seismic, but there will be local opportunities," said Taylor, who declined to say how much the program will cost.

Taylor said local people who have the necessary experience will certainly be considered, and said the local environmental officer or wildlife monitor will be someone from this area.

Taylor said the company hopes to start the seismic program by mid-July, and go until freeze up. She said the same would hold true for next year. But she said the schedule depends on many factors.

"We're going to try and avoid the belugas and stay out of the way of the hunt. We understand that's very important," Taylor said.

"We've done quite a bit of research on their migratory patterns and where they've been and where they seem to go every year. We've talked with all the hunters and trappers committees."

The work will avoid the beluga 1A management zones.

As well, Taylor said, "We'll be keeping in touch with people daily by radio to find out where they are, to see if they've seen any animals, those types of things, so we can avoid them."

Seeking approval

The seismic program has yet to be approved. Taylor said her company will soon complete a project survey, perhaps around the end of March.

"It will be distributed amongst the different regulatory bodies, and to all the communities -- like to all the HTCs and community corps, and it will go through the environmental screening."

Taylor said the company is looking at drilling a well in the area in 2003 at the earliest.

The seismic program will take place on a ship called The Snapper. About 30 people can work, and live, on board at a time.

Taylor explained The Snapper is currently in Texas and will go through the Panama Canal and up the west coast to reach the program site.

Anderson Resources also held community meetings in Aklavik, Paulatuk, Holman, Sachs Harbour and Tuktoyaktuk.