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Cooking up new identity

Arviat hotel to be used as test market for Co-op chain

Darrell Greer
Northern News Services

Arviat (Mar 14/01) - The new cook and hotel manager at Arviat's Padlei Inns North has been involved with Canada's food industry for the past 25 years.

Roy Brophy is optimistic in his new position, despite long hours and the numerous challenges he recognizes before him.

Brophy's day begins at 6 a.m. and he's lucky to be done by 9 p.m.

One member of a new three-person team for Arviat's Co-op operation, Brohpy says the Arviat hotel is going to be a test market during the upcoming year for menus, colour schemes and proper attire.

"Each member of the new team we have coming in place in Arviat is here by choice," says Brophy.

"The only way we're going to improve in the North is by setting standards and the management team we have here is committed to making positive things happen."

Brophy says he's looking for more Inuit involvement in the local Co-op operation.

He says he'd like to see more Inuit at the senior level, as opposed to day-to-day positions.

"It's important to see Inuit succeed in business.

"If I could find someone interested in my job, I'd be more than happy to train them for my position.

"Attitudes have to change. It hurt when Inuit came in and asked me if they could eat here."

Brophy says the Eastern Arctic is the last frontier and the only area left in the world with the potential to attract large numbers of tourists.

He says that's only going to improve as Nunavut continues to develop its own identity.

And, with a new general manager coming in to the Padlei Co-op to join assistant GM Todd Johnson, who has been on the job for about 20 days, Arviat's going to be ready when the tourists arrive.

"It's very important to Arviat's Co-op operation for us to gel as a team.

"It's no bed of roses, but I can see myself being quite content here for the next few years.

"For now, I'm going to continue to establish a better relationship with the local people -- better with customers, employees and, you never know, maybe my own boss someday."