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Waiting on Ottawa

Bureaucrats reviewing agreements

Derek Neary
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Feb 23/01) - Federal negotiator Robin Aitken said senior bureaucrats in Ottawa will have to approve the Interim Measures Agreement and the Draft Framework Agreement before Canada initials the documents.

Pending that approval, a recommendation would then be made to Cabinet to sign off the agreements in late April or, more likely, in May, Aitken added.

"We're just trying to push the paper," he said Monday, adding that everybody wants to move the self-government process along as expeditiously as possible. "It's just a matter of sometimes that's not that quick in the federal system."

The DCFN's endorsement of the agreements at a leadership assembly in Fort Providence last week came as welcome news to Aitken.

"It's good to see that when you work hard, and there's give and take on all sides, people can actually agree with what you've done," he said.

Until a possible formal signing ceremony in May, the federal government will be working to get the budget and personnel in place for the next stage of negotiations.

The Deh Cho First Nations will continue its preparatory work for a five-member land-use planning committee that will be established in the Deh Cho.

Issues such as land withdrawals and an interim Resource Development Agreement to stimulate economic development will also be addressed internally, according to DCFN chief negotiator Chris Reid.