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Budget Grinch

Funding situation means elders go without presents

Derek Neary
Northern News Services

Fort Simpson (Dec 22/00) - A tight budget has cost the Deh Cho elders their usual gifts from Deh Cho Health and Social Services and some residents are outraged.

The elders' Christmas dinner was held last Wednesday but Marguerite Brown says a key part of the annual event was missing -- the elders' presents.

Brown, a cook at the Nahanni Inn, where the meal is served, said she found out the day of the dinner that DCHSS would not be giving gifts.

As 50 elders enjoyed their meals courtesy of the hotel, Brown said she reluctantly went table to table to inform the guests of the circumstances surrounding the gifts.

"I had to go around and explain to them that there's no presents this year, that Santa didn't come. I didn't feel very good," she said.

Making matters even more dramatic, one bed-ridden elder had sent her husband to the dinner with a note indicating that she was unable to attend. She requested that her husband take home her gift.

"I think something could have been done. They (DCHSS) could have went to the community or something," said Brown, who is know as "Mama" to most of her customers.

"They didn't let us know. They didn't mention the present part," said Brown.

"I'm sure we could have come up with something even in a couple of days ... It doesn't have to be much. They (the elders) all need socks or mitts."

Kathy Tsetso, chief executive officer for DCHSS, said the board could not come up with the $500 to $1,000 to pay for the gifts this year.

"We don't have any budget for (gifts), we just did it (in the past). This year most of our budget is out in the communities," Tsetso said.

"We realize now that was something that the elders missed. We didn't do a very good job of devolving it. I take full responsibility ... other boards have foundations for fund raising and maybe this board needs to work towards that."