RWED examining merits of system
Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services
Inuvik (Nov 03/00) - The Northwest Territories may extend its bottle deposit system to all glass bottles.
Minister of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED), Joe Handley said the department is studying the merits of extending the current deposit system beyond liquor bottles.
"Definitely we're looking at it," Handley said.
"We want to have some incentive for those containers to be returned rather than thrown out as garbage."
Handley said the system could be similar to those in other areas, "but because of distances and costs of transportation, we might have some little different features to it."
The president of the new Inuvik Recycling Society said a deposit on bottles and juice boxes would be beneficial.
"Money from that deposit system can fund getting rid of other recyclable materials," Jennifer Walker-Larsen said.