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Ballot paper tragedy

Richard Gleeson
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Nov 13/00) - For Elections Canada workers democracy is as much a job as a right.

The work of getting the ballots for the Nov. 27 federal election to the polls suffered a tragic setback two weeks ago.

"The Canada Post truck carrying the ballot paper from Ontario to Yellowknife was destroyed, together with the ballot paper in a fatal accident that killed both drivers," said chief returning officer for the Western Arctic David Connelly.

The paper, distributed by Elections Canada, is the only material on which ballots can be printed. Without it, no votes could be cast in the Western Arctic.

Connelly said Elections Canada headquarters in Ottawa fast tracked both the replacement of the ballot paper and the confirmation of the names of candidates appearing on the ballots.

As a result, the Western Arctic was the first riding in Canada to have its ballots printed. The ballots were printed in Yellowknife last week.

Elections Canada, Western Arctic has sent its condolences to the families of the Canada Post drivers, he said.