Road rage
Federal minister says new roads not needed

Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jun 19/00) - New roads may not be necessary in the south, but it's a critical issue in the North.

That's a message the first Northerner elected to the executive of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' wants to send to Federal Transport Minister David Collenette.

Speaking at the recent FCM convention in London, Ont., Collenette told municipal leaders from across the country that Canada doesn't need any new roads.

"I can truly say that Minister Collenette's speech had to be the low point of the entire conference," said Brooks, who said Collenette's speech focused on the urbanization of Canada.

Brooks said he was very disturbed at the minister's comments, especially since many Northern communities do not have any access to roads.

Brooks, also vice-president of the NWT Association of Municipalities, said several NWT municipalities, including Yellowknife, Hay River and Inuvik, plan to write letters of disapproval to the federal government, especially minister Collenette, and lobby for new and improved roads in the North.

Inuvik Mayor George Roach, who also attended the national conference, said he wasn't at all surprised by Collenette's comments.

"The Liberals don't care about the North anymore," said Roach.

He believes the Liberals see their obligation to the North has been fulfilled by providing "hundreds of millions of dollars" for aboriginal groups.

"There doesn't seem to be any money left for logical projects -- there's no vision left in the Liberal party," said Roach.

Euan Hunter, chairperson of the Fort Resolution Settlement Corporation, said he was appalled upon hearing of the minister's comments.

"We desperately need roads in the North," said Hunter.

Fort Resolution still has gravel roads coming into the community, Hunter said, adding roads in other Northern communities are very poor.

"I think (Collenette's comments) were out of this world. It's a terrible thing to spout off about when roads are such an important factor for us," he said.

Calls to minister Collenette's office were not returned by deadline.