Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (May 05/00) - The City of Yellowknife has taken their cost-cutting measures to the internal level.
City administrator Max Hall announced Wednesday the human resource management department, the city clerk's office and information systems will amalgamate under the newly declared department of corporate services.
The department will also manage the city's legal services and public relations responsibilities.
"By combining all of our support functions under one department, we will be better able to provide co-ordinated and timely assistance to our frontline public service departments," Hall said.
The city's frontline departments include community services, public safety and development, finance, public works and engineering and economic development.
The reorganization follows the retirement of Sheila Dunn, director of human resources.
City clerk Tim Mercer said the reorganization illustrates the attempt to reduce the size of the senior management team.
A total of two positions will be eliminated and replaced by one.
The reorganization will save the city approximately $20,000 per year.
"It's through attrition. We had one of our senior managers retire and rather than replacing that position we just amalgamated a couple of departments," said Mercer.
This is the third senior management position eliminated since September 1999. Six departmental directors now exist.
Mercer will take on the role of director of corporate services, Kelly Arychuk has been appointed as manager of human resources, Debbie Euchner will be the new city clerk and Prem Persad will remain manager of information systems.
"It's no question that where we can find efficiencies and save money without affecting service levels, we do that," said Mercer.
The changes will be in effect on May 23.