Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Rankin Inlet (Apr 26/00) - The children at the Kataujaq Day-Care Centre in Rankin Inlet lit a special candle this past week.
The day care recently sponsored (adopted) a young child from Sri Lanka through the World Vision organization.
Manager Sharron Brown says the project developed due to the efforts of day-care craft co-ordinator, Amanda McLarty.
"Amanda got the whole project going and it was our little girl's (Sinthujah), fourth birthday on April 20," says Brown.
"We started looking into this before Christmas, but we didn't send our first money in until late March."
Sponsoring Sinthujah costs $31 a month. Each child and worker at the day care contributes $1 a month to send to the four-year-old.
The day care is still waiting for its first correspondence from Sinthujah and the anticipation is growing.
"We sent birthday presents to her earlier this month, but it takes quite awhile for stuff to get to her," says Brown.
World Vision sent the day care an information package with a picture of Sinthujah, and bits of information such as her love for singing and helping her mother and that she is in good health.
Her father works, but doesn't make enough money to totally provide for his family.
Brown says the kids at the day care enjoy every aspect of the project. She says the kids have learned the money they contribute goes towards education, food, water and basic necessities of life.
"It's really exciting when the kids bring in their money because they're so proud of what they're doing.
"It's teaching them a bit about stewardship and responsibility."
Brown says McLarty gets involved with projects like this because she feels it's the right thing to do.
McLarty sponsored a child of her own for several years and thought it would be a good way for local kids to realize that even though there's lots of people in their own community who don't have as much as others, there's people in other places with nothing.
"They don't even have the food they need to be fed properly," says Brown.
"It makes them aware of people out there who need help and what they can do, in their own small way, to provide that help."