Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Apr 14/00) - "The bottom line is not if the deficit is going to be eliminated, it's how."
That's how Larry Elkin, the newly-appointed chair of the Stanton Regional Hospital board, is approaching the hospital's $913,000 deficit.
Although it has been facing a tight budget for the past few years,
this is the first time the hospital has been in the red for quite some time.
But not to worry, says Elkin.
An appeal for financial assistance from the Government of the
Northwest Territories was filed in late February, and a response is
anticipated sometime in the near future.
In the meantime, the board is working on the development of an
action plan to determine where financial reductions can be made within the
hospital's budget.
Elkin said its too early to consider any cuts to services or
programs, however he claims "it is the board's intention to maintain the
major core programs provided at the hospital."
As for possible reasons for the hefty deficit, Elkin blames the
ever-increasing cost of medical travel as the culprit.
Besides the travel costs for patients and their escorts, the
Stanton health board also faces high personnel travel costs.
"We're facing some problems here of course with (doctors and
nurses) moving in and out, there's a higher cost in recruiting and removing
them and all the things that go with that," said Elkin.
Nevertheless, he is confident the board will find a practical
solution to the deficit problem.
"It is important that (the deficit) be addressed and I'm confident
that by the board doing the work it's doing, and by working closely with
the government, I'm totally confident that a reasonable solution will be
found and the deficit will be eliminated within a reasonable period," he