Melissa Vejins
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Nov 12/99) - The NWT Literacy Council has launched a book drive to collect books for Dogrib communities.
Lisa Campbell from the NWT Literacy Council says the mandate is to support family literacy.
"Books in the Home project provides books and helps with the reading," Campbell says.
So far Campbell has been to three communities to assess the needs arising from the program.
"People want books, but don't have libraries or resources."
Air Tindi readily accepted to deliver the books for free, Campbell says, adding, "We wouldn't be able to do it otherwise."
For now, the books will be delivered to communities on Air Tindi's regular itinerary which travels to Wekweti, Lutsel K'e, Rae-Edzo, Wha Ti and Gameti.
"We'll extend beyond if there's a need," she says. There may be another book drive in the spring.
The primordial need rests on accumulating enough books to send out. The Yellowknife public has been encouraged to donate children's literature in drop-off boxes at the Book Cellar, Chapter Three and the Yellowknife Public Library. The drive will continue until December.