Glen Korstrom
Northern News Services
NNSL (Oct 15/99) - About 150 lucky Yellowknifers will get the chance to taste an internationally-acclaimed chicken wing sauce this Sunday at 1 p.m. at Sam's Monkey Tree.
Tickets are already sold out for the wings as are the squares on the Chicken Crap bingo board.
The bingo board has 100 squares which organizers Tim Sewell and Joe McCaw have sold to various companies around town.
Sewell and McCaw will let loose a chicken on the bingo board. The winning square will be the first one upon which the chicken, er, relieves itself. An as-yet unknown amount of cash will go to the company that sponsored the lucky square.
"The first square that he craps on determines the winner. It can be on the line but the majority of the crap has got to be in the square," said Sewell, explaining the intricacies of the contest and the need for discerning judges.
All money raised goes to the NWT Learning Centre.
And about that famous wing sauce...McCaw and Sewell said they both had a family recipe and when the sauces were mistakenly mixed together, a new sauce was born.
The pair said they have travelled the world to perfect their chicken-wing sauce.
"We liked (the taste of the combined sauce) so much we thought let's enter it in an international competition and research it a bit," Sewell said.
After searching their respective family archives, they headed off to Australia to do research.
"They have a unique way of preparing their wings. They take each individual cut off wing piece and they blow it through a didgeridoo," Sewell said with a straight face.
"Now, when the wing sails down that didgeridoo, the vibration tenderizes the meat a little bit."
When the wing exits the didgeridoo, it flips out the end and lands in a sauce-filled clay pot strapped onto the back of a dingo, Sewell said.
"The dingo is then chased around by some of the common ranch hands there and they chase it for about 11 hours and it helps the sauce penetrate the meat. That's just the way they do things over there."
He then admits the Australia anecdote was stretching the truth.
"This is 100 per cent bull but I tell you, we believe it and that's all that matters" Sewell said with a laugh.