Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
RANKIN INLET (Sep 29/99) - Delivering a message of peace, brotherhood and the unification of aboriginal peoples had Mexican visionary Quetza Sha a long way from home this past week visiting Kivalliq's Region.
Sha has both Aztec and Mayan blood from his grandparents and describes himself as a spiritual revolutionary and ecologist who wants to unite the world.
An author who has worked for world peace through the United Nations, Sha is also president of a non-profit organization which helps feed hungry children in Central America.
A recent ceremony in Mexico brought together elders representing aboriginal groups from both the Aztec and Mayan cultures.
The elders decreed it very important for ceremonies to be conducted in Canada's North to deliver the message of energetic unification of Northern and southern indigenous peoples.
Sha says the message came from the sun and stars to come North and talk about the changes in the planet's energy, in which everyone participates.
"This is not about indigenous being better than whites or any culture trying to control another. It's a message for all people."
Sha says his culture believes and deeply studies in cycles and there had to be a connection to the North for this cycle to end and a new one begin.
"We are living in a time of great change," says Sha. "The Earth itself is telling us people everywhere are changing and that is reflected in politics, especially here in Nunavut.
"This is the first indigenous government to be taking care of its people and Nunavut has become a symbol of change for indigenous communities all over the world."
During his time in the Kivalliq, Sha met well-known Inuit elder Mariano Aupilardjuk.
He told Aupilardjuk this year's lunar and solar eclipses are marked on Mayan calendars as bringing the change for a new race to bring together everyone and raise the consciousness of humanity.
"When we met, it was a surprise that this man had such amazing wisdom. It was as if our meeting was destined to happen.
"That meeting was really the turning point of my connecting with the North.
"We discussed how the vital importance of more understanding between young and old, men and women, to help us all change for the better."
Aupilardjuk says he agrees with Sha that it's time all people have to come together and work to take better care of the Earth, which is everyone's responsibility.
"I have met and talked with people from all over the world and I really enjoyed talking with this man," says Aupilardjuk.
"He is honest and sincere and speaks the truth about many things."