Richard Gleeson
Northern News Services
QIKIQTARJUAQ (Aug 02/99) - A statement of claim filed with the federal government on behalf of those who were relocated from Padloping Island and Kivitoo should provide some answers to outstanding questions.
The statement of claim was filed last year with the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development by Allan Angmarlik.
Discussions of the claim are at the "a very preliminary stage," said the federal government's lead official on the file, Thomas Poetschke.
This statement of claim is not a legal instrument. Its filing triggered a process by which the federal government attempts to negotiate a settlement of outstanding disputes.
Poetschke would not speak about why people were relocated, say what information was being relied upon to determine what happened, or discuss the settlement being asked for. He said to do so would prejudice discussion of the claim.
"It would be really dangerous to blow this up," said Poetschke. "It could raise peoples expectations or it could crush them."
In addition to an explanation, the relocatees are calling for an apology and compensation along the lines of that awarded to those relocated to Resolute and Grise Fiord, said Angmarlik. He said he hopes the claim can be settled before the new millenium.
Poetschke said the government is being advised on the matter by lawyers, but later added, "We do not have a legal opinion and we will not have a legal opinion until (we determine) we have a problem."
Poetschke said he asked Angmarlik if he or any other federal officials should attend the reunions. Angmarlik, he said, advised against it.
Whatever information is being used, none of it has come from Kenn Harper.
"The federal government has not approached me for my version of the story," said Harper, "and I was the only federal official there."