Richard Gleeson
Northern News Services
NNSL (Aug 11/99) - A letter designed to get city council's attention is also getting a reading from the RCMP.
"When I got this in my mailbox on Friday my first reaction was, 'I'm taking this to the RCMP,'" said Coun. Peggy Near at a noon meeting Monday.
Near was referring to a handwritten letter from resident Marcel Bourget. Bourget asks for a meeting with council to discuss what he views as years of harassment by the city.
The parts of the note that alarmed Near and other members of council were biblical proverbs Bourget tacked on at the end of the letter.
"What I'm concerned about is the two references to death," said Near. The councillor said that considering the rash of shooting rampages that have occurred in North America over the last year, the dark references need to be taken seriously.
Bourget last year sold a property near the lake, at the bottom of 44th Street. The sale of brought to an end more than a decade of dispute between Bourget, his neighbours and the city over the clean-up of the property. Or so it was thought at the time.
"I think Peggy's right," said Coun. Bob Brooks. "The letter should be taken to the RCMP, whether we file a complaint or not."
Coun. Dave Ramsay said he was not as concerned about the letter.
"He doesn't say he's actually going to kill us in the letter," said Ramsay. "I think we're causing a big kerfuffle over not much."
Council agreed to forward the letter to the RCMP, but also agreed to meet with Bourget to discuss concerns he has with the city.
A phone call to Bourget for comment on the letter was not returned.
RCMP Sgt. Marlin Degrand said yesterday no criminal charges are being pursued as a result of the letter.