Paula White
Northern News Services
INUVIK (Jun 04/99) - The Inuvik Museum and Fine Arts Advisory Board continues to work towards the opening of the new museum.
But it still has a lot to do, including figuring out what direction the new museum will take and how it will be set up.
"We're working on a strategic plan that will identify our major projects and focus," explained board chair Julian Tomlinson.
More specifically, he said, the board is working on establishing a collections policy, identifying major projects and forming partnerships with various educational institutions and both Gwich'in and Inuvialuit cultural institutions. Tomlinson said the board is also looking to hire a co-ordinator.
"To really get things started, that's what we need."
One project the board has been working on is piecing together a visual and oral history of Inuvik. To present this, it is looking to set up television sets, computers and other items that would make the exhibit more interactive.
"We want it (the museum) to be more interactive -- a more living history," Tomlinson said. "We're trying to identify what tools we will need for that."
Tomlinson said the board has received a lot of valuable help and advice from the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in Yellowknife. The centre has provided the Inuvik board with technical services, a workshop and has invited the board members to Yellowknife to see its operation.
"(The centre) has been a really strong partner," he said. "We're very happy with the support they are able to give us."
As a result of all the hard work, things are slowly starting to shape up. Tomlinson said the board recently acquired an excellent slide collection of the search for and construction of the East 3 site.
"We think this is going to form the basics of our first exhibit," he said. "Our pioneers are starting to pass on, so it's important for us now to collect those stories."
Tomlinson said the board has raised approximately $21,000 so far, but it still has a ways to go before the museum becomes operational. In the meantime, fund-raising continues.
"We're hoping to do a special event, this fall I believe," he said. "It'll probably take the form of the showing of a film and some kind of gala event."