Richard Gleeson
Northern News Services
NNSL (May 05/99) - Opening up a space for another councillor wasn't exactly what Coun. Dave Ramsay had in mind when he withdrew from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Conference.
"When I decided not to attend, the reason I did so was to save us money," said Ramsay, Monday.
"So I can't vote in favour of sending someone in my place. There's no reason to send six of us to Halifax."
City administrator Max Hall said it costs approximately $3,500 to send each delegate to the conference. About $51,000 of council's $55,000 travel budget is committed.
Ramsay said both Whitehorse and Victoria are only sending four representatives each to the conference.
After Ramsay withdrew his name, Coun. Cheryl Best offered to go in his place. When council dealt with the offer Monday, Best said she was "somewhat ambivalent" about attending the conference, explaining she had plenty to do in town during the June 4-7 conference.
"I'll leave it in your hands," she told council.
Speaking in favour of sending Best, Coun. Peggy Near noted that those who attended the conference last year gave rave reviews of it. Near said Ramsay originally voted in favour of sending six people.
Ramsay said Near was mistaken. "Back in January, I spoke against sending six councillors, and anyone there would have heard that. Not once did I vote to send six."
Ben McDonald, one of those who attended last year's conference, said the more councillors who attend, the better off the city will be.
"The primary purpose for going to the FCM is to bring back new ideas, to better serve the municipality," said McDonald. "We come back better able to serve the public of Yellowknife."
Ramsay was the only councillor to oppose the motion to have Best fill the spot he officially vacated at an April 19 committee meeting.