Kirsten Larsen
Northern News Services
NNSL (Jan 22/99) - Smokers who are thinking seriously about quitting can be smoke-free by Valentine's Day with the help of a program in Yellowknife.
The quit-smoking program is a seven-session course supported by Yellowknife Health and Social Services, Tobacco Action North. The program will begin Feb. 3, so smokers will have some time to think about quitting before they sign up.
Gail Gaudon, who is co-ordinating and facilitating the program along with local physician, Dr. Ross Wheeler, said that participants in the program have to be serious about quitting in order to take part in the program.
"We are not going to make somebody quit smoking. It has to be something they want to do," said Gaudon.
Gaudon and Wheeler know just how hard it is to quit smoking. They have been smoke-free since 1997, but they didn't do it alone. They had each other's support throughout the process, which Gaudon said is part of the reason they beat the addiction.
"Myself and Ross quit at the same time in August, 1997," Gaudon said. "Ross and I were co-workers. Ross was a heavier smoker than me and had smoked for longer, so it was easier for me, I think. I had smoked 10 years, about three packs a week, and I think he was about a pack a day. We definitely supported each other. We would see each other every day at work and it really helped to have someone else around who was trying to quit."
Gaudon and Wheeler have designed a unique program, which incorporates training they acquired through a course offered by the Alberta Lung Association with other methods. The quit-smoking program offers support, information, stress management and nutrition advice in a group setting. Wheeler will also give advice about medical aids that can help a person quit smoking, such as the patch and other prescribed medication.
"We are promoting smoke free, not nicotine free, so things like the patch and Nicorette gum (will be discussed as options)," said Gaudon.
The participants in the program will be eased towards the smoke-free date by the third session of the seven-session program. The sessions will run every Wednesday starting Feb. 3 in the evenings from 7-9 p.m., in the basement of the Northern Addictions Services detox centre on Franklin Avenue.