Fighting the root of crime
The National Crime Prevention Council will travel to the Western Arctic for discussions

Kim Barraclough
Northern News Services

NNSL (Nov 09/98) - The National Crime Prevention Council will be travelling to the Western Arctic on Nov. 17 and 18.

The council is hoping to promote crime prevention programs and discuss funding issues with stakeholders.

There are already programs affiliated with the council in Clyde River and Fort Resolution.

Dolly Villebrun, counsellor with the Deninu drug and alcohol program in Fort Resolution, said she thinks the program will be a positive addition to the community.

"It will reduce community youth crimes," said Villebrun.

The funding Deninu will receive from the council will enable the centre to run more community programs.

"It will provide culture and on the land programs," said Villebrun.

The program is unique in that it does not try to prevent crime in the traditional way.

In the past, crime has been dealt with after it happens.

The council's program will provide funding for programs attempting to stop the problems before they begin.

The program run in Fort Resolution will focus on giving youth something to do.

The Deninu Centre will offer programs such as drum dancing to keep the youth from getting bored and, as a result, turning to crime to fight the boredom.

"A community is what you make it," said Villebrun.

Programs funded by the council do not have to focus on youth. The council will also provide support for aboriginal and women's groups.

"It will focus on communities in need," said Claude Turgeon, senior advisor for the National Crime Prevention Centre in Ottawa.

Communities from across the Western Arctic have been invited by the council to submit crime prevention proposals.

A management committee will meet on Nov. 17 to review and discuss the proposals submitted to council.

The council is a joint venture between federal and provincial governments.