Michele LeTourneau
Northern News Services
NNSL (Nov 13/98) - St. Patrick high school foyer was a hopping place last Sunday afternoon as anyone and everyone with a talent strutted their stuff.
The reason? To help raise funds for Stanton Regional Hospital's Capital Equipment Campaign. Auditions were being held to find performers for the hospital's telethon scheduled to take place Nov. 29.
Several local, better-known talents will walk the boards without an audition. Entertainers such as Big Ethel, Tracy Riley, the Starlite Dancers, Tom Hudson and his band and the NWT Pipe Band already enjoy followings.
"We auditioned the people we didn't know..." explains Suzanne Linttell, talent chair for the telethon. "We didn't know what they were doing or what they were about."
Linttell and her crew watched or listened to about 25 pieces, ranging in genre from solo violin and guitar to singing and dancing.
"We didn't know what to expect," Linttell says. "But now I think it will make a great show, especially with the proper setting and costumes."
Sunday's stage was actually several lengths of masking tape, but on the 29th a real structure will be in place, as well as lights and cameras.
Volunteers are still needed and even if you aren't in the show there are many other ways to help this great cause.
The telethon will be broadcast across the Northwest Territories from St. Pat's, 1 to 8 p.m. on TVNC (channel 9) and Cat (channel 17).