Jeff Colbourne
Northern News Services
NNSL (Aug 21/98) - A group of four black bears has been wandering the city's landfill site in recent days.
The habit these large, furry creatures have of wandering to the dump has city of Yellowknife officials sending out a word of caution to residents who frequent the area.
"While no incidents of aggressive behavior have been reported, persons entering the landfill for any reason should exercise extreme caution at all times," said Tim Mercer, city clerk.
As a safety precaution, the city will be bulldozing the salvage area at the landfill every day.
The public is asked not to deposit food items or grease at the salvage area but to drop these items off with on-site staff at the baling facility. If a bear is sighted in the salvage area during the day, the area will be closed off temporarily to allow Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development staff to remove the animal.
Dave Neufeld, solid waste management foreman said renewable resources officers are keeping pretty close tabs on the bears.
"For the last two years there's been no bears at all and the years previous there were a couple more around," he said.
Neufeld isn't bothered too much by the bears. When he's operating the Cat, he really doesn't care. They usually end up wandering off again anyway, he said.
Neufeld may be able to take care of himself but the public is advised that when visiting the dump to follow a number of precautions.
- Before leaving your vehicle, look around for bears. If a bear is spotted leave immediately and notify on-site staff -- Under no circumstances should any person approach a bear.
- Bears are currently searching for food in preparation for winter and may become aggressive if disturbed
- When outside your vehicle, look up frequently to see if any bears are approaching. If you are approached, quietly return to your vehicle, leave the area and notify on-site staff. Do not run.