Glen Korstrom
Northern News Services
INUVIK (Aug 14/98) - All winter Garry Smith imagined today.
He added seats, a steering wheel and wind shield with help from fellow Ride-For-Sight bikers Mike Whiteside and Cyril Gregory.
His modest three-wheel frame with a Volkswagen 1600 engine blossomed into the curious vehicle many residents have, no doubt, seen zipping around town.
"I've travelled 7,500 km in it this summer," Smith says before outlining his open-air travels along the Dempster this summer with his wife Brenda.
"We went to Whitehorse and Dawson City."
His creation can go as fast as 120 km per hour -- fast enough to feel born to ride on the rutted but exclusive Canadian Arctic highway.
Usually he goes the speed limit.
"I took it in the garage in January. I do wood working in there too," the lifetime Northerner and five-year Inuvikmiut says, standing next to his blue invention which gets as much as 250 kilometres to the tank. His tank takes about 15 litres of gas.
What's next?
Many adjustments during next winter but no more major travels this summer. Just bombing around town when the weather is right.
Smith drove his vehicle in the June 12 Ride For Sight venture to Rock River and Eagle Plains.
Now it rests in his front yard as his major escapist mode of transportation.
He did not even insure his Honda CVX motorcycle this year.
"(The three-wheel vehicle) handles great," the 49-year-old says with satisfaction.
"I'm not sure what additions it will get this winter but I will move it in and work on it."