Emma Levez
Northern News Services
NNSL (Jul 08/98) - One night of vandalism on Pickerel Lake last week left a camp in ruins.
It was Thursday before the devastation was discovered by Michael Buchanan,
one of the 10 Yellowknifers who have been using the area as a weekend
camping spot for three summers.
"I was just devastated when I found it," he said, "All the people
who had worked on that camp, all the time we've put in, a lot of personal
sweat went into it -- all those memories have been destroyed."
Approximately $1,000 worth of camping equipment was demolished --
tents, air mattresses and pumps, sleeping bags and action packers were
slashed and burned beyond repair. In addition, there was obscene graffiti
and general destruction of handmade willow chairs, flagpoles, a makeshift
shelter and a variety of dishes and other personal belongings of
sentimental value.
Buchanan's first reaction was discouragement. He said he was so
disappointed that he didn't even want to attempt to rebuild the camp.
People who live in the area had never shown any contempt for them,
he claims. The campers were not rowdy or noisy, and they found it hard to
understand why someone would do this. "It wasn't even as if things were
stolen" said Buchanan, "They just destroyed everything."
Over the weekend the whole group went out to clean up. They talked
to residents in the area and discovered that two cottagers had seen a rowdy
group heading in the direction of the camp on Monday night. They thought it
was just a noisy party, but went out the next day and saw the damage that
had been done.
The group collectively decided to restore the camp. "We want to
make them see that they can't get rid of us that easily," said Buchanan.
On Tuesday they also made a complaint to the police. "Our main
concern is not compensation," said Buchanan, "We just want (the culprits)
to know that they're known."
RCMP Const. Keith Fahie said the culprits could be charged with
mischief, even though the incident occurred on Crown land.
"The group would have to make a complaint and an investigation
would probably be done depending on the reality of the situation (if there
was enough evidence and if the possessions ruined were of value)."