Doug Ashbury
Northern News Services
NNSL (Jul 15/98) - The territorial government's top accountant predicts division will generate a "significant" number of jobs in the financial services sector.
Lew Voytilla, GNWT comptroller general, speaking in Yellowknife Friday at the CGA-Canada conference, said the new Nunavut government will need 54 people in its financial services sector.
"This does not include private sector demand for accounting services as Nunavut comes on line," he added.
Currently, 208 of the GNWT's 5,844 employees have some level of financial training. With division, that number is expected to decline.
It remains to be seen how many GNWT staff will take accounting jobs in the East.
"We're encouraging Nunavut government to recruit, raid or do whatever it takes to get the corporate knowledge transferred," Voytilla said.
There is a concern that as the GNWT downsizes and divides, civil servants from various fields will move south taking Northern experience with them.
There are currently 85 Certified General Accountants in the North and about 120 CGA students. It is believed there are more CGAs in the North than other professional accountants -- chartered accountants and certified management accountants -- combined.