Missing kids found
Hiding out with friends and in a car

Derek Neary
Northern News Services

NNSL (May 08/98) - Two Yellowknife boys who were reported missing for a week turned up at one mother's home Wednesday but the police were still looking for them a day later.

T.J. Camsell, 11, and Lloyd Giroux, 9, friends and schoolmates at Mildred Hall school, were supposedly last seen a week ago.

But when a Yellowknifer paid a visit to the Giroux home to request a photograph, Lloyd himself answered the door.

After inquiring whether the reporter was an undercover cop, the boy went to get his mother. Rita Giroux said both boys were found yesterday and everything was ̃ne.

She did not say what the pair had been doing for the previous six days.

The older sister of the second boy, Sandra Camsell, was then informed of her brother's safety and she appeared to be very relieved. She found out that the boys had been sleeping at friend's houses and in a vehicle for the past several nights.

"He's OK. He just needs a shower," she said of her younger brother.

The RCMP were advised of the boys whereabouts later that morning. They had been in the process of stepping up the investigation into the boys' disappearance, according to Staff Sgt. Dave Grundy, who wasn't pleased that notĩcation had not come sooner.

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