Help for hunters
Inuvialuit Harvester's Assistance Program will begin making payments to sustenance hunters this summer

Ian Elliot
Northern News Services

INUVIK (May 08/98) - Hunters and trappers in the Inuvialuit settlement region will be able to get a little help earning their keep starting this summer.

A new fund has been set up to help them with the essentials they need to get out on the land for hunting. The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, in partnership with the GNWT, has set up the Inuvialuit Harvester's Assistance Program and it will begin making payments to sustenance hunters this summer.

"Basically, it will provide money for people to make repairs or buy parts for snowmachines, things of that nature," said IRC chairwoman Nellie Cournoyea this week.

Both the IRC and the government made a third and Ūnal contribution of $700,000 apiece to the fund last year, taking the total amount of money in the account to $4.1 million. Payments to hunters and trappers will be made from the interest on the money, about $200,000 a year at current rates.

The money has been contributed by the two organizations over the past three years. Draft copies, outlining what the fund will be used for and how individuals and groups can apply for it, has been sent out to the six community corporations in the land claim area for feedback.

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