Videoconference to link communities to Iqaluit
Northern News Services
NNSL (Jun 01/98) - Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission will base two public consultations on competition in Iqaluit.
With NorthwesTel's telecommunications monopoly coming to an end -- the North is the last area in North America without competition -- the CRTC wants to explore access to services and costs of providing services.
The public consultations are scheduled for June 25 at the Navigator Inn at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.
For those wishing to participate from outside Iqaluit, there will be a audio-video conference set up at
Cambridge Bay's Arctic Islands Lodge, Hay River's Ptarmigan Inn, Inuvik's Mackenzie Motel, the Sinniktarvik Hotel in Rankin Inlet and the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in Yellowknife.
Following the morning session, a public forum will allow individuals to express views on other CRTC subjects like television programming and new media.
The CRTC is looking for comments on telephone company obligations where service costs are high, subsidies and types of acceptable technology in high-cost areas like wireless or satellite technology.
In February, the CRTC ruled telecommunications competition will be introduced in Yellowknife, Iqaluit, Fort Nelson and Whitehorse on July 1, 2000. Timetables for other communities were not yet determined.
The CRTC also said premature competition could damage NorthwesTel's ability to be the service provider of last resort to smaller communities.
The February ruling also means long-distance rates will be more in line with southern rates. It also means higher costs for local telephone access.