Jobs possible
Ottawa may descend on Yellowknife

by Glen Korstrom
Northern News Services

NNSL (Apr 10/98) - The prospect of an infusion of more federal bureaucrats for Yellowknife is one step closer.

A three-part study is under way on the possible decentralization of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.

Phase 1 of the plan, which may relocate Ottawa bureaucrats in Yellowknife, should be completed very soon, according to Hiram Beaubier, director general of DIAND's natural resources and environment branch.

Phase 1 examines the general principles of decentralization and takes a look at issues affecting decentralization.

The report will make recommendations to the department about whether to go on with the study or to conclude the study.

The report's Phase 1 could also discuss what areas of the department will be singled out for intensive review.

Phase 2 would be to take a look at those sections of the department to come up with models for decentralization. It would also recommend to the department whether the models should be implemented.

The final phase addresses issues such as cost, timing and practicality.

"It's not as though we've got a final report," Beaubier said. "I don't know when I'm going to be in a position to start summarizing this and have notice go out on it, I just don't know. I think it will be shortly but I'm not going to be putting myself down to a date."

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