Fuel clean-up continues
Most of spill burnt off

by Derek Neary
Northern News Services

NNSL (Mar 20/98) - The extent of environmental damage caused by Monday's diesel fuel spill along the Ingraham Trail hasn't yet been determined, according to the director of the Environmental Protection Service.

The initial stages of the cleanup -- which involved burning off the 3,000 to 4,000 litres of fuel -- should be complete by now, said Emery Paquin, of the Department of Renewable Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED). Much of the remaining fuel in the snow will be scraped away. If done efficiently, the environmental damage should be minimal.

"If we miss something then more work will be required in the springtime and damage could be greater," Paquin said, adding that the slew is frequented by water fowl in the spring.

The mild temperatures have added some urgency to the situation.

"Certainly, any water that accumulates on top of the ice is going to make clean-up more difficult. Again, the sooner they get at it and keep at it the better," said Paquin.

The truck, carrying 43,000 litres of fuel, was under contract to RTL-Robinson Enterprises Ltd when it overturned just past the Dettah turnoff early Monday afternoon. The company responded to the spill quickly and have been cooperative in cleanup efforts, Paquin said.

RWED has been overseeing the cleanup, periodically sending inspectors to the site to ensure the proper removal of the fuel. The file will be kept open at least until spring, said Paquin.