Flu frenzy possible
With a virulent flu virus running rampant in Iqaluit, athletes at this year's Arctic Winter Games could be at risk.

by Glen Korstrom
Northern News Services

NNSL (Mar 18/98) - "To date nothing has materialized," said AWG medical chair Blake Lyons. "If it becomes an issue, then public health will be brought in."

More than a third of an Iqaluit elementary school was emptied earlier this month due to a Type A flu strain.

"I don't think there's much chance of a quarantine," Lyons said. "I think most likely we'll just have to wait it out."

Stanton Regional Hospital infirmary nurse Heather Leslie agreed a quarantine would be impractical, even if the number of cases picks up over the week.

Many athletes have travelled great distances to compete in events and see Yellowknife, so confining them would be a task.

"That'd be darn hard to do," Leslie said. "They're all living together in classrooms so they're just going to have to use their common sense."

If athletes are sick enough and need a place to get away from the action they could stay in infirmary beds.

"But then they'll give it to us," Leslie said.

Leslie confirmed there were no cases as of late Monday, but she said she expects things to wind up to a frenzy by today.