Village defends garbage hike
Fort Simpson official says they had no choice but to raise garbage rates

by Arthur Milnes
Northern News Services

FORT SIMPSON (Mar 13/98) - Village of Fort Simpson Mayor Norm Prevost says there was little choice but to raise fees for garbage collection this year.

In a letter being sent to the approximately 25 people or representatives of institutions that have complained about the increases, Prevost is blunt in describing the village's reasons for bringing in the increases.

"The rates charged previously were not sufficient to cover the total cost of garbage and collection and disposal," the mayor writes. "Last year, revenue was $34,000 and expenditures $109,000."

In an interview Monday night, Prevost said that the village's costs were more complicated than those associated simply with staff and garbage collection vehicles. He said other costs include transportation to the dump, upkeep of the site and maintenance of the road.

"Concern has been expressed that the increase is far too great for the collection of garbage and some of the individuals and businesses do not want to pay," Prevost said. "They are prepared to take their own garbage to the landfill site... We do not encourage dumping by individuals or businesses and we are sorry that the rates had to be increased to permit us to bring the revenues closer to the expenditures."

Prevost said that IPL, Water Survey of Canada and the NWT Power Corp. are among those that have expressed concern to the village over the increases.

Rates for commercial and industrial garbage collection will now be $50 per month for three pickups per week and schools and institutions will have to pay $250 per month for five pickups per week. Previously the charge for these were $24 per month for commercial/industrial and $48 for schools and institutions.