May the force be with you

by Derek Neary
Northern News Services

NNSL (Jan 14/98) - Someone close to you dies. You lose your job. You fall and injure yourself.

Audrey Henderson believes major sources of mental and physical stress cause blockages in the natural balance of spiritual energy.

"Reiki" can heal this imbalance.

The word is Japanese for "universal life force." Everyone has it, according to Henderson. She specializes in channelling the life force when trauma occurs, disrupting the normal flow and increasing susceptibility to disease.

Henderson, who has been practising for six months, consults clients on a one-on-one basis out of her parent's home in Yellowknife. The sessions last about 45 minutes, and resemble therapeutic touch.

She says the chance for her clients to relax through meditation is important to the healing process.

"In this world of instants and speed, people don't take the time to be still. I think a lot of the benefit of Reiki is having the person relax and be still."

The commonly accepted notions of relaxation, a chance to discuss problems and a soothing touch as catharsis are also integral to Reiki, according to Henderson.

Among her biggest challenges is ever-present scepticism.

"As soon as you start talking about energy, it gets into the 'woo woo' stuff," she says. "When you've got the time to explain it, it makes a whole lot more sense."

People who are suffering from high stress levels have slowly vibrating cells, as opposed to the perky cells in healthy people. Cell activity and energy can be measured scientifically via Kirlian (aura) photography, Henderson notes.

Reiki has even been used to heal plants and even fix cars and dishwashers, she says.

Henderson says she can help her clients heal by either touching them or just by working with their aura. Sometimes the energy is so intense, her clients ask she be more gentle, even though her hands are up to 30 centimetres away from their bodies.

Henderson maintains that clients often feel a tingling sensation. She sometimes experiences a "gentle puff of air" between her hands and the client's body.

The art of Reiki was rediscovered in the 1800s by a Christian monk searching for a way to recreate the miraculous healing by the "laying on of hands" in the days of Christ. Although Reiki isn't affiliated with any religion, Henderson, a Christian, says she likes to think of it as a way of calmly praying with her clients.