Back to work
Pilot project helps disabled Yellowknifers find jobs by Jeff Colbourne
NNSL (Dec 05/97) - A committee has been set up to manage a pilot project that will help residents with disabilities get into or get back into the workforce. Last Friday, the Disabled Work Strategy Steering Committee launched the project at the Baker Community Centre in Yellowknife. "We've been working hard with our steering committee since May to define the program, write the job description for the co-ordinator, hire the co-ordinator and get the funding in place," said Lynda Fuller, executive director of the YWCA and chair of the committee. "We are now ready to take in disabled persons who want to find employment." Different community agencies that work with disabled persons have shown a keen interest in the program. "It's a really exciting occurrence and we look forward to it. We figure we can assist maybe up to 30 people just this fiscal year -- now until the end of March -- and then additional people in the new fiscal year because we do anticipate that we will receive multi-year funding for the project," said Fuller. Seven clients have signed up for the pilot project. Some have shown interest in office administrative duties while others would like to get involved in general contracting, painting and self-employment. Thanks to the federal government, which is paying the $75,000 cost of the program, a wage subsidy is available for businesses interested in hiring disabled persons. The benefits of this program are extensive, said Fuller. Businesses who hire through the program know that they're helping someone get back into the workforce. And clients "can gain work experience, further their training and their skill development, help employers by providing them with people who are on wage subsidies. So, I think all the way around, it's going to be a very interesting and positive program for the community," said Fuller. Seven people are on the steering committee for the pilot project. They include Lydia Bardak, executive director for NWT Council for Disabled Persons; Donna Hunt; Susan Edmunds with the Yellowknife Association for Community Living; and Ann Kall of Human Resources Development Canada. |