Yellowknife artwork
on Kraft Dinner boxes

by Jeff Colbourne
Northern News Services

NNSL (Nov 12/97) - Whether it's on a note pad at home, a bulletin board at her dad's office or on the back of a Kraft Dinner box, her creative side shines.

Her talent shines so bright that all of Canada will soon see it.

The 11-year-old Range Lake North student has been named runner-up in a drawing contest sponsored by Kraft and Crayola.

"I was really surprised. I came home and my mom had Kraft dinner made and put on fancy plates at the table and she said today is a special day. Then she told me I won," said Brittany Russell in an excited voice.

Brittany's runner-up picture is of her wearing a parka sitting at a table made of ice eating a big bowl of Kraft dinner. Behind her is a big polar bear trying to take her Kraft dinner.

The family had all but forgotten about the mid-summer contest, said father Roger Russell.

However, on Sept. 5 they received a call from Kraft in Toronto informing them that Brittany had won and asked for the release of her picture to go to print immediately.

There was a grand prize of $10,000 in the contest, followed by five runner-up prizes in each age category of $500 worth of Crayola products.

On Oct. 31 a package arrived at the Russell home which Roger gave to Brittany the next day.

The three boxes contained all sorts of markers and crayons and 26 different Crayola kits.

"I've never seen so much Crayola in my life. You would think we were at Wal-Mart," said Roger.

"My friends think it's awesome," said Brittany.

Now that Brittany's drawing has been picked it will appear as one several drawings on the back of Kraft Dinner boxes sold in grocery stores across Canada.

Roger said he hopes his daughter's efforts in the contest will inspire her friends and other young children in Yellowknife to participate in these types of contests.

He also hopes more companies get together and do more contests which encourages creativity among children.

"I think Kraft Dinner and Crayola should be congratulated. It's good for young kids," said Roger.