Election Notebook
Northern News Services

Aldermanic candidates who took the stage for Tuesday evening's Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce Forum had little time to formulate answers to a series of pre-set questions.

Most candidates got the questions on Monday. At least one, Cam Kos, got his the day of the forum. Kos got his copy of the questions from fellow aldermanic candidate Merlyn Williams.

Kos said the chamber told him the questions had been mailed to candidates Friday, three working days before the forum.

Chamber priorities

Political leadership was the number one concern of members of the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce.

Preparing for its series of all-candidates forums, the chamber asked its members which of five questions dealing with different issues was most important to them.

The number one issue for members was the degree of influence administration has over council.

Bob barred

Aldermanic candidate and Yellowknife political veteran Bob Findlay said "secret meetings" is the correct name for the weekly closed-door sessions between council and administration.

Findlay, honorary clerk of council, said that after he went to the first secret meeting of the present council he was told he could no longer attend.

"If they're briefings and not secret meetings, why was I barred?" asked Findlay. "I'd like council to answer that one."

Something lost in the editing

The meanings of a couple of aldermanic candidate Cheryl Best's responses to the Yellowknifer questionnaire to all candidates were altered a bit in the editing.

Responding to a question concerning conflict of interest, Best stated no city hall staff should be allowed to be in debt to the city.

Scrabblemeister slain

Robert Slaven, aldermanic candidate and Scrabble player extraordinaire, spent Saturday playing simultaneous games as part of the literacy carnival.

Slaven defeated all challengers except one, a performer in a play that was part of the carnival.