Party time
Coral Harbour celebrates 25 years as a hamlet

by Jeff Colbourne
Northern News Services

CORAL HARBOUR (Aug 27/97) - Week-long celebrations for Coral Harbour's 25th anniversary went off without a hitch recently.

Hundreds came out to participate or enjoy a variety of activities including model boat racing, water skiing, traditional games and at nights, square dances.

"It was excellent. Things went really well," said Tommy Bruce, the hamlet's recreation co-ordinator and spokesperson for the event organizing committee.

Though cold weather throughout the week hampered turnout somewhat, Bruce said everyone came out for the raffles.

Plenty of people also came out to honor three special men, the founding-fathers of the hamlet of Coral Harbour.

Raymond Ningeocheak, second vice-president of Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., and Mike Panika, a Rankin Inlet hamlet employee, were each given plaques for helping to establish Coral Harbour. Joe Netser was recognized for his long-time community search and rescue


The three men were each given a sakku harpoon head from the hamlet.

If your are wondering who won the raffles, here are the winners:

    * 4X4 Honda ATV (Hamlet) - Basheba Kolit
    * $1,000 goods (Katudgevik Co-op) - Johnny Kakoolak
    * $1,000 goods (Northern Store) - Shaylene Shapangak
    * $750 worth of retail merchandise (Northern) - Pasha Bruce
    * $500 worth of groceries (Northern) - Elizabeth Shapangak
    * $200 worth of camping goods (Northern) - Akavak Ottokie
    * $150 shopping spree (Northern) - Michaela Ilitika Angooealuk
    * Airfare for two anywhere Canadian flies in Canada - Bridget Netser
    * Airfare for two on Calm Air to Winnipeg - Jackson Natakok
    * 3 horsepower ice auger - Ron Duffy
    * Sewing machine (Hamlet) - Veronica Ell
    * $400 worth of material and goods from Leonie's Place (Hamlet) - Emily Nakoolak
    * CB, antenna, cable (Hamlet) - Armand Kolit
    * 2,000 XL GPS (Hamlet) - Mary Jane Enuapik
    * CCM 18 Speed Bike (Hamlet) - Pasha Bruce
    * 11 piece golf club set (Hamlet) - Shaylene Shapangak
    * Qamutiksaak and Napuksat (Hamlet) - Dimarees Shimout
    * Umiangak (Hamlet) - Harry Gibbons * 3 burner Coleman stove (Hamlet) - Mary Matoo