We've got bingo fever!
$100,000 in prizes brings bingo buffs by the busload

by Richard Gleeson
Northern News Services

NNSL (June 18/97) - Dollars and dabbers flew furiously at the Yellowknife Community Arena Saturday.

In their biggest event ever, the Yellowknife YWCA hosted a $100,000 bingo that attracted contestants from as far away as Grise Fiord, Tuktoyaktuk, Iqaluit, Cambridge Bay and Pangnirtung.

Two communities -- Rae-Edzo and Watson Lake, B.C. -- had enough takers to charter buses to Yellowknife for the occasion.

The stakes of the game were reflected by the price of admission -- $100 (which included a minimal, by expert bingo player standards, amount of cards).

That price did not scare away many. YWCA officials at the game estimated 800 people came to play.

The four-hour session peaked with a game worth $30,000. That jackpot was split by four contestants, one each from Yellowknife and Pangnirtung and two from Rae-Edzo.

In fact, that was one of two big prizes a Pangnirtung contestant was in on. Another in the group of 10 who made the journey walked away with $4,000.

"We'd do it again next year if there's another one," said a member of the Pang group, in spite of the fact she didn't win anything. "It was lots of fun, a chance to visit and shop, a good break," added the woman, who did not want to be named.

Rose Greening of Yellowknife was among the players, playing 16 cards, a low number, relatively speaking.

"The person beside me had double the amount I had," she said.

Greening, who takes in only two games a year, was playing 16 cards.

"I think there's people who spent $400 at these things," she added.

The biggest winner of the night were the parents who rely on YWCA day-care facilities.

"What this is going to do is help us support the day care at St. Pat's, which has a lot of students and single moms," said YWCA executive director Lyda Fuller.

Administrative and benefits co-ordinator Liz Kornichuk said the bingo netted the organization $42,000.