Dressing up the dog

NNSL (Jan 13/97) - A walk down the doggie isle at a certain Yellowknife department store shows that canine fashions have become a matter of fact north of 60.

Sure, the more bizarre clothing manufactured for dogs -- the fur coats, glitter T-shirts and, of course, the ever-popular mohair winter coat with faux fur collar -- haven't crossed the parallel yet. But those little booties, sweaters and even ball caps sure have.

What is particularly odd about this trend is that dogs have been running around the North for a long time, even in really cold weather, without wearing so much as a toque.

But Terry Patenaude, Cambridge Bay's bylaw officer, says dogs in Yellowknife are probably way behind the fashion hounds in his community.

"You'd be surprised how many dogs up here wear sweaters and booties -- I know I was when I first started vaccinating them," said Patenaude, an eight-year resident.

House pets and any dog that hasn't spent much time out in the cold would appreciate some footwear and a jacket to take the chill off during those really cold walks, he said.

"Big dogs, like huskies, certainly don't need them because they have a down -- short hairs that come out to protect them from the weather," said Patenaude.

"But for the smaller dogs, well, up here they all have various outfits that everybody laughs about and says they're cute when they see them."

But that doesn't convince Helen Oudzi in Colville Lake, who just laughed when asked if any dogs in her community were begging for booties.

"They don't need them, and no, they haven't asked for them," she chuckled.

Her son George has sled dogs who are out in the bush just about every day and they're more than happy to run around naked, er, just in their own natural fur. And George doesn't have any small dogs.

Sentiments are similar in Broughton Island.

Rosie Kuksiak, who owns a husky named Bingo, said her dog has never asked for booties or a sweater and seems perfectly happy.

"I'd be embarrassed to put a sweater on her, and booties would be even worse," she said.

Rosie's mother has a small house dog that hasn't seen a change of clothes in her life.

"I don't think dog clothes will be something that will catch on up here," said Rosie. "Why are you asking me this anyway?"