Sport North position
to be filled by New Year

by Dave Salter
Northern News Services

NNSL (NOV 01/96) - Jean Hinton, president of the Sport North Federation, hopes to have a new executive director in place by the end of this month.

However, Hinton expects the selection process to drag on into December.

Dave Hurley stepped down as executive director in September after 17 years and Hinton says she's received 40 applications for his old job.

Hinton - a resident of Hay River - will travel to Yellowknife to go through the list of candidates with other members of executive.

"We've got a ton of them (resumes)," said Hinton. "We'll be reviewing them and making a short list before we hire anyone. We want to be fair to all the applicants and go through them properly."

Hinton says she'd liked to see the position filled immediately but isn't optimistic.

"I'd like to see something done as soon as possible. I'd like to have someone hired by the end of November but I don't think it will happen that quickly."

The resumes come from nearly every part of the country and Hinton says the successful applicant doesn't necessarily have to come from the North.

"We're just looking for the best person for the job."

Hinton says the new executive director will have big shoes to fill.

"Dave Hurley did a marvellous job. He took the organization from absolutely nothing to where it is today.

He's done a lot for sport in the North."