Demo derby and park BBQ on for Saturday
Two events give residents varied options
Stewart Burnett
Northern News Services
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Two events on Saturday with markedly opposite themes will give people a lot of options this weekend.

Residents are invited for the "Boot Lake Boogie" to celebrate the Trans Canada Trail on Saturday, Aug. 26. The event will start with a walk from Jim Koe Park down the Boot Lake trail and back to the park, where music, a barbecue and refreshments will be available. At front, from left, are Evander Glemser, Hayden Smith on top of Matthew Skinner, Hailey Kuptana, Kaylyn Owen, Ava Maier, Katelynn Crocker, George Harrison and Lachlan Conway-Adams. - Stewart Burnett/NNSL photo
The Boot Lake Boogie encourages residents to walk its namesakes trail and come back to Jim Koe Park for a barbecue, music and refreshments.
The event is part of the country's Trans Canada Trail celebrations. The Trans Canada Trail ends in Inuvik in summer, though with the opening of the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk highway it will soon extend to the Arctic coast.
"The community is such an active community and they enjoy any type of event like this," said Lise Saumur, director of community services for the town.
"I think it's a great time for people to get together and enjoy Boot Lake and go back to the park and have a bit of a celebration. I know on the same day there's a demo derby, so there's lots for people to do, as is usual in Inuvik."
The Government of Canada provided $1 million for Trans Canada Trail funding in 2017, as part of the Canada 150 events. Inuvik received $2,500.
The Canada 150 fund was created in April 2015 and has a total budget of $200 million.
The event starts at noon at Jim Koe Park, from which residents will walk the Boot Lake Trail and then return to the park for a celebration until 5 p.m.
Out at the Navy Road pit, the Iron Horse Klub will be hosting a demolition derby on Saturday as well, starting at noon.