RCMP warn public about sex offender
Advisory issued for Hay River as convicted sex offender to be released from jail
John McFadden
Northern News Services
Monday, June 5, 2017
RCMP are warning the public about a man to be released from the South Mackenzie Correctional Complex in Hay River June 9.

Antoine Smallgeese: Convicted sex offender is to be released from South Mackenzie jail. - photo courtesy of RCMP |
The Mounties stated they believe Antoine Smallgeese, 27, is a high risk to re-offend.
"Smallgeese has criminal code convictions for sexual assault, assault, break and enter, being unlawfully in a dwelling and failing to comply with various court orders," RCMP stated in a news release June 2.
"NWT RCMP is advising all citizens, particularly those in the community of Hay River, that Smallgeese is considered by police to pose a risk of significant harm to the public."
The Mounties added Smallgeese will be on probation after his release and will be required to follow strict conditions.
RCMP did not state how long he will be on probation nor did they list his probation conditions to News/North.
"The NWT RCMP is issuing this information and warning after careful deliberation of all related issues, including privacy concerns, in the belief that it is clearly in the public interest to inform members of the community about Smallgeese," police stated.
"Members of the public are advised that the intent of this process is to enable citizens to take suitable precautionary measures. RCMP is warning that any form of vigilante activity or other unreasonable conduct will not be tolerated."