Iqaluit bar faces penalties
Three liquor licence infractions dropped, three upheld at hearing
Michele LeTourneau
Northern News Services
Monday, June 26, 2017
The Nunavut Liquor Licensing Board dinged the Storehouse Bar and Grill, part of the Frobisher Inn on Astro Hill in Iqaluit, with a $15,000 fine and a two-day suspension of its licence June 20.

The popular Storehouse Bar and Grill in Iqaluit will pay $15,000 and face a two-day licence suspension June 23 and 24 for overserving. - Michele LeTourneau/NNSL photo |
"It did happen. We're really sorry about the overserving. We understand their position and we have to comply," said general manager Chris Bandeira.
The popular establishment originally faced six counts at the show cause hearing held last week, but counsel for liquor enforcement withdrew three counts - two of which were for allowing an intoxicated person to remain on the premises in March and June 2016 and one for selling or supplying liquor to a person who is apparently in an intoxicated condition or who is apparently under the influence of drugs in June 2016.
The remaining counts were repeats, but occurred in September 2016 and January 2017. In the January event observed by the liquor enforcement inspector, "the intoxicated guest was observed constantly hugging, kissing, touching heads of other patrons that were next to him, having difficulty standing and exhibited difficulties focusing on his environment, and having difficulty raising his head after looking down at people and objects."
The guest was also seen grabbing another man's genitals and hugging off-duty chief liquor inspector Kenny Bell "while putting all of his weight onto Mr. Bell during the hug."
Liquor enforcement and a representative for the establishment submitted agreed statements of facts with respect to the remaining counts. Each count garnered the maximum $5,000 fine after guilty pleas.
"The Board believes that once it has granted a licence, the licensee then shares with the board the obligation to ensure the safe and responsible use of alcohol in the community.
"This contravention constitutes a clear breach of that responsibility. It is particularly concerning when licence holders continue to serve alcohol to persons who are already clearly intoxicated," stated the chairperson of the licensing board John Maurice in a news release.
The two nights of licence suspension were scheduled for Friday, June 23 and Saturday, June 24 and Bandeira said it will take a big bite of business.
"But then again, it is a cautionary tale. It will help us in the future to conduct business in a better way," he said.
The establishment must post the news release issued by the licensing board on all its entrances until after the suspension.