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Friday, April 7, 2017
RCMP get pay increase
The federal government announced Wednesday it is raising Mountie salaries to be in line with other major police forces.
The increases were back-dated two years for RCMP members up to the rank of superintendent as well as special constables.
The increases are: 1.25 per cent effective Jan. 1, 2015, 1.25 per cent Jan. 1, 2016 and a further 2.3 per cent April 1 last year, according to a news release from Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada.
The increases bring Mountie compensation in line with eight other police forces, according to the news release.
- Shane Magee
Free rides for Earth Day
Residents can take the bus for free this Earth Day.
The City of Yellowknife is making an effort to support the environment by offering free transit on April 22.
People are also encouraged to walk, bike and take the bus instead of driving their cars.
- Kirsten Fenn
Call for artists
Painters, photographers, digital and graffiti artists, and anyone else who works with two dimensional mediums is invited to submit proposals to decorate transformers and traffic light control boxes around Yellowknife this summer.
The deadline for submissions is May 31, with an expectation that artists would complete the projects before Aug. 15.
This is the second year the city has taken on the public art initiative in partnership with Northland Utilities.
Fifteen traffic light control boxes are expected to be decorated this year.
- Kirsten Fenn
Queerlesque holding auditions
Registration has opened for those seeking to audition for the fourth-annual Queerlesque show is now open.
Auditions will be held May 6.
Registration is via an online at bit.ly/queerlesqueform.
Those applying are asked to have at least half of their sketch planned out for the audition.
Queerlesque is a variety show is similar to Brrrlesque that takes place during the NWT Pride festival in August.
- Shane Magee
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Angry Inuk to be screened at ARI
Angry Inuk, the National Film Board's project on contemporary Inuit seal hunting, will be screened at the Aurora Research Institute Wednesday, April 19.
The award-winning 2016 Canadian documentary was written and directed by Alethea Arnaquq-Baril and examines the role of seal hunting in the North and the impact of seal-hunting protests in communities in Canada and around the world.
The film has never been screened in Inuvik before and will be shown as part of National Canadian Film Day. The Great Northern Arts Festival and ARI teamed up to make the screening happen.
Art pieces raise $650
The Great Northern Arts Festival raised $650 selling its collaborate art pieces at a recent fundraising event. The artwork was made as part of a program that sees canvasses rotate through different people's hands, with each person adding his or her own touch.
Sixteen paintings were made as part of the program this year.
JK survey results released
The Inuvik District Education Authority released the results of its survey on junior kindergarten.
One hundred people took the survey, which posed two questions.
Fifty-four per cent of respondents preferred a full-day junior kindergarten program to half day for the future. The plan for the first year is to run the program as half days, with classes running both morning and afternoon.
Respondents were split almost exactly 50-50 on whether they would rather junior kindergarten ran out of the Children First Centre or East Three School. The GNWT has since stated that junior kindergarten must be run out of a school facility.
First Air offers non-stop service between Yellowknife and Inuvik
As of May 17, First Air will begin daily direct non-stop service between Yellowknife and Inuvik, and just one stop between Edmonton and Inuvik.
Flights will be operated by the company's newly acquired ATR42-500 aircraft.
"Our customers in Inuvik have demonstrated a growing demand for direct service," stated a press release from First Air. "Inuvik has shown to be a developing market in the Western Arctic, one that continues to evolve and grow."