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Friday, April 28, 2017
Woman removed from plane after disturbance
RCMP took a woman from a plane into custody at the Yellowknife Airport last Friday. In an e-mail, RCMP civilian spokesperson Marie York Condon stated that police responded to a request for assistance at about 7:30 p.m.
"The person was later released and there are no charges pending at this time," she stated.
Police have not said whether the passenger was male or female. It is believed the flight she was on had arrived from Edmonton. There were no reports of any injuries.
- John McFadden
Agriculture board seeks members
The NWT Agricultural Products Marketing Council is looking to harvest some new members.
The Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment is looking for residents with a strong understanding of Northern agriculture to join the council. The council is responsible for hearing appeal of Northwest Territories Egg Producers decisions, as well as overseeing the Agricultural Products Marketing Act. The deadline to apply is May 22.
- Jessica Davey-Quantick
First quarter Gahcho Kue results announced
Mountain Province Diamonds Inc. announced the production results for the first quarter from Gahcho Kue diamond mine on Tuesday. For the three months ending on March 31, approximately 494,000 tonnes of ore went through the process plant, recovering about 867,000 carats, or about 1.76 carats per tonne. Diamonds sold during this first quarter mainly came from the Northeast Lobe of the 5034 kimberlite pit, which has a higher population of lower quality diamonds.
- Jessica Davey-Quantick
Yasemin Heyck named acting principal
Range Lake North School will temporarily have a new principal for the next school year.
Yasemin Heyck is taking over as acting principal beginning this August, according to a news release from Yellowknife Education District No. 1. Heyck currently works at Range Lake North School, where she provides counseling to students and staff, the release stated.
- Kirsten Fenn
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Whitehorse man arrested for aggravated assault
Inuvik RCMP arrested 52-year-old Corey Domenichini, from Whitehorse, YT, for aggravated assault.
The RCMP responded to a report that a female had been injured at 3 a.m. April 18. A female was treated on scene and transported to the Inuvik Regional Hospital with serious injuries.
Domenichini was remanded until April 21 for a show cause hearing in Yellowknife.
Almost $2 million paid to Inuvialuit beneficiaries
The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation's board announced a $400 distribution payment to all enrolled Inuvialuit beneficiaries over the age of 18 last week.
A total of $1,814,400 was designated for 4,536 beneficiaries enrolled in the Inuvialuit Trust. Payments can be expected May 1 in the Inuvialuit communities.
The distribution payments are based on 15 per cent of the average comprehensive income for the preceding 10-year period as determined from IRC's financial statements.
GNWT prepares for legal marijuana
The Government of the Northwest Territories is preparing for the legalization of cannabis, following the tabling of federal legislation in the House of Commons earlier this month.
"With the pending legalization of cannabis, it is important we consider the safety of all residents of the Northwest Territories," stated Louis Sebert, minister of justice, in a news release. "We will work to ensure that a safe supply of cannabis is available to our residents while keeping it out of the hands of our children and youth, and reduce the criminal element that comes with the illicit drug trade."
The proposed federal legislation sets the national age limit to purchase at 18 and will allow territories and provinces to marry it with their minimum age for the purchase of alcohol.
Adults 18 and older will be able to legally possess up to 30 grams of dried cannabis and share up to 30 grams with other adults. Canadians will also be allowed to grow up to four plants per household.
Applications open for NGO fund
The GNWT is calling for applications for its 2017 NGO Stabilization Fund.
The program provides special funding to help non-governmental organizations that deliver critical GNWT-funded programs or services to the public to stabilize or develop their capacity to manage programs and services.
For more information about which projects are admissible and to apply, visit the GNWT website.