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Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Free transit on Earth Day
City buses will be free to ride on Saturday to promote Earth Day, according to the municipality's weekly newsletter.
Earth Day is marked on April 22. In the newsletter, the city asked residents to help the environment by walking, biking or taking public transit.
The city projects to have 192,000 transit riders based on revenue, up from 189,505 last year, according to its budget.
– Shane Magee
De Beers relocates charter flights
De Beers announced on Tuesday that employee charter flights to Gahcho Kue will now depart from Calgary, instead of Edmonton. The twice weekly flights bring employees not based in the Northwest Territories to the diamond mine, operated by Yellowknife-based Summit Air's Calgary-based fleet. Approximately 150 mine-based employees will fly through Calgary each week once the switch is complete. CEO Kim Truter stated the move has been in the works since the company moved to Calgary last year.
– Jessica Davey-Quantick
Ombudsman to look into CRA
After receiving complaints alleging that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is freezing bank accounts and garnishing wages in order to collect unpaid taxes, Taxpayers' Ombudsman Sherra Profit announced earlier this month she will be looking into the issue. The examination will look what information is available to the public about what steps the CRA can take to collect tax debts, and how taxpayers are notified when legal action will be undertaken. Her findings will be made public when the report is complete.
– Jessica Davey-Quantick
Paper cup project coming to Yk
A project documenting the experience of Canadian women is coming to town.
From May 15 to Aug. 15, Edmonton-based artist Cassidy Atamanenko will be in Yellowknife as part of the Paper Cup Project.
The goal is to sit down and have a coffee with at least 150 women or femme people with diverse backgrounds and experiences to initiate a conversation about what it means to be a woman both nationally and internationally.
– Robin Grant
Fuel spill At Meliadine Rankin Inlet
None of the 30,000 litres of diesel fuel spilled at Agnico Eagle's Meliadine project near Rankin Inlet reached fresh water earlier this month.
The fuel leaked from a hose connected to a 100,000-litre fuel storage tank.
All material affected by the spill has been excavated from the site.
A company spokesperson said a third party will continue testing until it's assured the area around the spill was not contaminated.
As of press time, Agnico Eagle was still investigating the cause of the leak.
Dancing time Arviat
The Phillip Kigusiutnak Memorial Square Dance Showdown will be held in Arviat from April 20 to 22.
Cash prizes totaling $19,200 for adult and youth groups are up for grabs.
Listed below are the adult and youth group prize monies available. There will also be $250 awarded to the Best Jiggers among registered dancers, and $1,600 for the best dressed group.
First: $8,000
Second: $4,000
Third: $2,400
First: $2,400
Second: $1,600
Third: $800
Hamlet seeks groups for Pakallak Tyme
Rankin Inlet
The hamlet of Rankin Inlet is holding a volunteer and community groups meeting tomorrow evening, Thursday, April 20, at the hamlet office beginning at 6 p.m.
The hamlet is looking for community groups to run various events during the Pakallak Tyme celebrations.
It was also announced in Rankin this past week that the Kivalliq Challenge Cross-Country Races will be held on May 5 to 7.
Sharp shooters heading to nationals
Rankin Inlet
Listed below are the members of the Rankin Inlet cadet marksmanship team that have qualified to compete at the national competition this coming month.
Master Warrant Officer Qilak Everard
Chief Warrant Officer Obadiah Sanguin
Master Cpl. Rachel Oolooyuk
Master Cpl. Pilakapsi Tatty
Cpl. Sakkataaq Zawadski