Loose dog attacks girl
Bylaw investigating after toddler bitten on face by 'big black dog' at Parker Park
John McFadden
Northern News Services
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
A grandmother is furious after a dog attacked and bit her granddaughter last week in Parker Park off Finlayson Drive.

Mirra Sangris has cuts and bruises on her face after she was attacked by a dog last week. Sangris was bitten on the face by what was described as a big black dog Thursday at Parker Park off Finlayson Drive. Neither the dog nor its owner have been located as the city's municipal enforcement division continues to investigate. - photo courtesy of Barb Butt Maszeros |
Barb Butt Maszeros said her almost two-year-old granddaughter Mirra Sangris was playing at the park last Thursday when a large black dog came up and bit her on the face. Butt Maszeros said the girl has undergone treatment including a number of painful needles to her face, arms and legs. She said she is not entirely sure what all the shots were for but thinks at least some of them may have been anti-rabies shots.
Courtney Janes - Sangris' aunt - was with Mirra at the park when the attack took place. She said it all happened quite quickly.
"We were just playing at the park and this dog came up and bit her in the face," Janes said. "I ran over there. The dog ran away so I just grabbed her and ran with her over to my house across the street. I didn't realize how bad it was. We've had no luck finding the dog or its owner."
Butt Maszeros said the attack shocked both Mirra and Courtney.
"My daughter said the dog came into the park and was calm and didn't seem to be threatening in any way," said Butt Maszeros. "The dog was inching towards Mirra so my daughter started coming closer to Mirra ... All of a sudden before Courtney had a chance to reach for her, this dog just came up in her face. For no reason this dog then just full-on attacked. My daughter grabbed Mirra and ran with her to her house right across the street. It's lucky my daughter reacted as quickly as she did. That dog could have tore her cheek."
Butt Maszeros said she called Sangris' mother to tell her what had happened, and her mother came to the house and took her to the emergency department at Stanton Territorial Hospital.
"It was very traumatic for her. The family has a little dog and is super friendly and playful but now she is even scared of her own dog," Butt Maszeros said.
"The bite almost caught her in the eye. She cried so hard she broke blood vessels in her face. She won't let us touch her face."
Butt Maszeros said she posted a photo to Facebook showing her granddaughter's injuries in hopes that someone who knows something might come forward.
"We've been going to a few doors with bylaw and following up some leads. I've been over there driving around looking for the dog," Butt Maszeros said.
Neighbours near Parker Park told her they think the same dog jumped over a fence in the area and came at their dog, she said.
She added that she was attacked by a dog when she was a child and knows what may lie ahead for her granddaughter.
"I am scared to Lord above of dogs," she said. "Mirra's going to have the same thing and that's sad. No matter how hard she tries, it's going to follow her through life."
According to the city's dog bylaw, the owner is guilty of an offence if a dog bites someone without provocation, pursues or barks at someone in a manner that is considered a nuisance or danger or is off-leash except in a designated area like the sandpits, the off-leash dog park behind the Yk Community Arena or Tin Can Hill. The maximum fine for a dog owner convicted of an infraction is $2,500.
According to Nalini Naidoo, spokesperson for the city, officers with the Municipal Enforcement Division are investigating. No warning about the dog has gone out from the city.