Young players get busy on ice
Minor hockey players from Fort Simpson help Hay River Huskies shine bright at Fort Smith tournament
April Hudson
Northern News Services
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Despite being the first tournament minor hockey players from Fort Simpson have ever attended, children between the ages of four and 10 had their shot at the goal during a minor hockey tournament in Fort Smith.

Children from Fort Simpson participated in both the initiation and novice games during the tournament. From left are Megan Kaglik-Lapierre, Joseph Michaud, Taggacho Jose and Nailia Tsetso. - photo courtesy of Amy Michaud
The tournament ran from Feb. 17 to 19 and brought together players from five communities, including Hay River, Yellowknife, Fort Providence and Fort Simpson.
The tournament included initiation games for children between the ages of four and six, as well as novice games for older players.
Instead of having first, second and third place, the tournament didn't select winners but instead all participants received a medal of participation at the end. After each game, a Heart and Hustle award and Most Valuable Player award was given out to two players.
Minor hockey players from Fort Simpson in the novice division faced off against players from Hay River, Yellowknife and Fort Smith over the course of the weekend, coached by Jonathan Tsetso, while initiation players from Fort Simpson joined up with the Hay
River Huskies.
David Couture, who coaches the Huskies, said the team was happy to have Fort Simpson children take part.
"We've been playing a lot of indoor ball hockey, so we saw there was this tournament in Smith and we had some players who wanted to attend," he said, adding that despite a lack of an arena in Hay River at present, the team has many initiation players.
"We didn't have quite enough (players), so we did a call-out to see who would be willing to play with us."
The team took five Fort Simpson children on board for the tournament.
"It was our first time (playing with) them, and it was fun. We'll see them again," Couture said.
Fort Simpson played with the Huskies for three out of four games in what Couture described as a good experience for everyone.
"It was awesome. The kids in particular from Fort Simpson were really enthusiastic and good players," he said, adding the mixed initiation team proved beneficial for both sides.
"It's good for them to play with other kids, too, instead of playing with the same kids over and over again. It was good for our kids, too," he said.
Fort Simpson parent Amy Michaud, whose son Joseph played with the Huskies in the initiation matches, described the experience as a positive one for her son.
Joseph took home the Heart and Hustle award from the team's final game.
"He was so proud. He played his little heart out," Michaud said.
She added the novice players noticeably improved throughout the course of the tournament.
"(They) were fantastic (and) really progressed with each game," she said.
"All the kids did amazing."