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Monday, March 20, 2017
Silence at contract negotiations
The Union of Northern Workers and GNWT agreed on at least one thing when they met for three days recently: Keep quiet about the state of negotiations.
The union posted a brief update stating talks had taken place and the sides plan to meet again "in the near future."
It was the first time the sides had met since September. UNW represents about 4,000 GNWT employees whose contract expired March 31, 2016.
The GNWT had been publicly posting summaries of proposals after negotiation sessions. No such document has been posted this time.
- Shane Magee
New flight fee
Somba K'e/Yellowknife
MLAs voted 10-7 in favour of a bill that will add between $19 and $29 to the price of a plane ticket at the Yellowknife airport, starting in July.
The new Airport Improvement Fee on flights through Yellowknife will cost $20 for travellers heading south and $10 for trips within the territory, plus an additional aeronautical fee of between $7 and $9.
The Department of Transportation estimates these changes will generate around $10 million in new revenue a year and eliminate the $4 million a year taxpayers currently pay to subsidize the airport.
- Jessica Davey Quantick
Inuvialuit self-government info session
The Inuvialuit Regional Corporation will be holding an information session on self-government Wednesday, March 22.
The public meeting will be open to all Inuvialuit beneficiaries and will give people a chance to ask questions directly to the Inuvialuit negotiating team.
The meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. at the Inuvik Community Corporation.
- Stewart Burnett
JK survey circulated
The Inuvik District Education Authority is looking for input on the implementation of junior kindergarten next fall.
The plan for implementing the program for the first year is to run it as a half-day program, with classes both in the morning and afternoon.
There will be two classrooms, allowing for four total classes with class sizes of 10 to 15 students.
The survey asks if parents would rather see this offered as a half-day or full-day program.
The survey is available at: eastthreesecondary.com.
- Stewart Burnett
Charge laid in trucking incident
Somba K'e/Yellowknife
A charge has been laid in at least one of the recent tractor-trailer rollovers although the Department of Transportation will not reveal who had been charged and with what offence.
Steve Loutitt, director of road licensing and safety for the department, said identifying who was charged "would not be fair."
"People in the industry will be able to identify who the person is and that's not fair to that person," said Loutitt.
"When someone goes to court you can watch proceedings. It's not fair to name a person or a company charged before they are potentially convicted."
- John McFadden
Trucking safety records kept secret
Information on which trucking companies are operating safely in the NWT and which ones are not is not publicly available despite documents on the territorial government's own Department of Transportation website stating it is.
The NWT road safety plan, introduced by the territorial government in 2015, refers to publicly available "carrier safety ratings" that have been maintained by the registrar of motor vehicles with the Department of Transportation since 1990.
The problem is, the carrier ratings don't exist anywhere where the public can see them.
Ioana Spiridonica, spokesperson for the transportation department, said she believes statements saying the ratings are public were made in error.
"It may be the case that you have to put in an (access to information) request, because that information could affect the commercial carriers. It's a matter of privacy," said Spiridonica.
- John McFadden
Fatbikers hit frozen road
David Stephens has spent much of his life pedalling around the world. So when he heard the Tuktoyaktuk winter road is closing permanently this year in advance of completion of the Inuvik to Tuk Highway, he jumped on the opportunity to offer a tour. He's offering to take interested riders along the 187-kilometre road from Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk from March 31 to April 5.
Although the trip is open to all, he warns it's not going to be a walk in the park.
"It's almost 200 kilometres in four days," he said. "It could be great weather; it could be a blizzard. There are other factors that some people might not have heard about, including grizzly bears coming out of
hibernation and polar bears."
- Robin Grant
Search for new test tool on hold
The Department of Education, Culture and Employment is pausing plans to replace the Alberta Achievement Test (AAT) with a new testing tool.
NWT students in Grades 6 and 9 write the standardized tests each year to give educators an idea of how well they're performing in English and math. Grade 3 students in the NWT used to take the AATs as well, until Alberta stopped testing that grade level.
Last February, Yellowknife school boards were looking for a new testing tool as Alberta planned to phase out its provincial tests altogether, replacing it with new computer-based tests called Student Learning Assessments (SLAs).
The NWT-piloted the SLAs with Grade 3 students across the territory but they weren't a good fit, according to Rita Mueller, assistant deputy minister for the education department.
Some schools in small communities didn't have the bandwidth capacity to run the tests properly.
But Alberta has since decided it will continue administering Grade 6 and 9 AATs for the time being, Mueller said.
"They're not following their original phase out period," Mueller said. "So we're assuming that these (AATs) will still continue for a number of years."
She said she isn't aware of exactly when Alberta plans to stop using AATs but expects it is at least a few years away.
Mueller said Alberta is in the process of redesigning its kindergarten to Grade 12 curriculum, as is the NWT.
- Kirsten Fenn
Elders learn new skills
Lli Goline/Norman Wells
The Norman Wells Community Library is hosting Elders Technology and Tea workshops for older residents of the community, said librarian Jodi Holland.
The workshops are intended to teach older people how to get the most out of their devices, including how to use iPads and iPhones.
The next step will be teaching basic internet skills.
Holland said the goal is to host the workshops twice a month.
"We hope to do it every two weeks from now until they've learned what they need to learn," Holland said.
Tea and cookies will be served during the lessons and participants are encouraged to bring along any devices they hope to learn more about.
"We are excited," Holland said. "It's going to be good."
- Kassina Ryder
Heritage Fair winners announced
The top 10 winners of the Elizabeth Mackenzie Elementary School Heritage Fair will move on to the regional fair on April 28.
The school's fair was held in Behchoko on Feb. 22 and was open to all grades, said Tammy Steinwand-Deschambeault, Culture and Language co-ordinator with the Tlicho Community Services Agency.
There were 21 projects entered by students in kindergarten to Grade 3 while an additional 23 projects were entered by students in Grades 4 to 6.
There were more individual projects than usual this year, Steinwand-Deschambeault said. Typically, students partner up to do projects but this year, there were more individual projects.
There was also more use of Tlicho.
"A lot of students are using more Tlicho in their titles, which is nice," Steinwand-Deschambeault said.
The regional heritage fair is scheduled to take place in Behchoko.
The winners were: 1st- Alana Lamouelle for Traditional Fish, Grade 4/5; 2nd - Britanya Zoe for Bannonck, Grade 4/5; 3rd - Nashawn Tlokka and Rosaleah Drybones for The Arrival of Non-Dene, Gr.6; 4th - Giselle Mantla and Sienna Mantla for Men and Women Roles, Grade 5/6; 5th - Cassy Mantla-Dryneck and Lacey Ann Migwi for Our Tlicho Animals, Gr.6; 6th - Nihtsiyee Huskey for Raven, Grade 4/5; 7th - James John Wedzin and Tinesha Black for Look Way Up, Grade 6; 8th - Liza Apples and Stacey Black for Northern Lights, Grade 4; 9th - Lacey Lewis and Liliah Erasmus for The History of our Leaders, Gr. 6; and 10th - Edie Rabesca for Chief Rabesca, Grade 4/5.
- Kassina Ryder
Wekweeti talks tourism
Wekweeti/Snare Lakes
Representatives from Tlicho communities will travel to Yellowknife on April 25 to discuss tourism, said Robert Moretti, Wekweeti's senior administrative officer.
The meeting is part of ongoing discussions on ways to promote tourism in the Tlicho region.
The meeting is expected to include senior administrative officers, economic development officers, representatives from the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, as well as the Tlicho Government.
Moretti said the region will soon have its own tourism plan.
- Kassina Ryder
Red River Jamboree kicks off March 23
Tsiigehtchic/Arctic Red River
The 2017 Arctic Red River Mackenzie Jamboree will see four packed days of events in town March 23 to 26.
Events kick off on Thursday, March 23, but the opening ceremonies will be held at 6 p.m. Friday, March 24.
The jamboree will feature basketball, adult and youth games, traditional games, community cookouts, rifle shoot contests, Ski-Doo races and much more.
The Going Miles Conference is being held in conjunction with the jamboree this year, with daily workshops from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday through Sunday.
The workshops bring in actors, comedians and other artists and cover topics on empowerment, self-esteem and issues facing youth today. Friday night, the group will hold a hypnotic illusions show.
- Stewart Burnett
Lots of options for youth
The Hamlet of Aklavik is hosting regular youth nights for the remainder of this month at the curling club.
"We've got guitar lessons going, cooking lessons, baking nights for the kids," said Dean McLeod, recreation co-ordinator.
All of the events take place at 6 p.m. in the evenings, with different activities on different nights.
They are free for youth to attend.
- Stewart Burnett
Easter event planning underway
Lily-Ann Green, recreation co-ordinator with the Hamlet of Paulatuk, says she's just about to start planning the community's Easter events.
"We have events for all ages," said Green. "We have sled races, foot races. We have Easter egg hunts for kids.
"Our biggest events are the Ski-Doo races, the track and the straightaway."
The community has also held snow-sculpting events and others in the past.
- Stewart Burnett
Community planning underway
Tthek'ehdeli/Jean Marie River
The first phase of Jean Marie River First Nation's comprehensive community planning process runs until March 31.
The process includes group sessions at the band office and one-on-one interviews with community support worker Melanie Norwegian and a co-facilitator.
Meals, door prizes and an honorarium will be provided by the band for participants.
The planning process can include cultural, social and economic planning.
It can also take a look at infrastructure needs and what priorities community members feel the band needs to focus on.
- April Hudson
Lukeh Carnival kicks off
Tthenaago/Nahanni Butte
Nahanni Butte's spring Lukeh Carnival was set to run from March 17 to March 19.
A full weekend of activities and events for young and old was scgeduled, including traditional games, a hockey tournament and family dances.
There was also to be live music during dances and a bingo.
- April Hudson
Snowshoe making at public library
Hay River
An Introduction to Making Snowshoes at NWT Centennial Library continues March 22 and 23.
The free workshop, which is for youth aged 16 to 29 years, is part of the library's Skills Builders for Youth Program.
Working with prefabricated frames, the youth will each prepare, weave and varnish their own pair of snowshoes.
Due to funding requirements, preference will be given to underemployed youth looking to gain workplace skills.
Extra seats will open to the general public if they are available.
The workshop is being presented by NWT Centennial Library, the Town of Hay River and the NWT Literacy Council.
- Paul Bickford
Enterprise to honour Walk to Tuk teams
A celebration dinner will be held in Enterprise on March 25 to recognize the two teams from the community that participated in the annual Walk to Tuk physical activity, which began Jan. 3 and concluded Feb. 28.
Participants form teams to try to walk the equivalent distance - 1,658 km - of the Mackenzie River from Fort Providence to Tuktoyaktuk. Both teams in Enterprise recorded the distance to Tuktoyaktuk and more.
At the March 25 community celebration from 6 to 9 p.m. at the community hall, Walk to Tuk participants will receive special T-shirts.
Walk to Tuk is presented annually by the Northwest Territories Recreation and Parks Association.
- Paul Bickford
Reeling the film festival
Hay River
The Yellowknife International Film Festival's road tour will be making a stop in Hay River on March 25 at the Riverview Cineplex.
The Sun at Midnight by Kirsten Carthew will be presented at 7 p.m. on March 25, preceded by the two short films Painted Girl by Jennifer Walden and Hangin' with the Con Kids by Terry Woolf and Gary Milligan.
Angry Inuk by Alethea Arnuq-Baril will be shown at 9 p.m. on March 25, preceded by the short film SHIFT by Kelly Milner.
Admission is free to all the films.
They are from last fall's 10th-annual Yellowknife International Film Festival.
The road tour of the Northern films is taking place with the support of the NWT Film Commission of the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment.
- Paul Bickford
Sambaa K'e embraces spring with a carnival
Sambaa K'e/Trout Lake
The Ndu Tah Spring Carnival is set to run through March 26.
Events throughout the week include a scavenger hunt and flea market.
On March 22, an adult crib tournament on March 23 and talent shows for children and adults on March 24.
March 25 will include handgames and traditional games.
There will also be a dress-up contest to determine the Bush Boy and Bush Girl of the carnival.
The carnival wraps up March 26 with more handgames and a feast.
- April Hudson
Handgames and drum dances all part of this year's Bison Jamboree
Deh Gah Got'ie Koe/Fort Providence
The 2017 Dehcho Bison Jamboree will run from March 20 to 26.
The jamboree opens March 20 with handgame and drumming lessons at the school gymnasium, a workshop which will continue on March 21.
There will be a mini carnival and drum dance on March 22 as well as a chili cook-off hosted by Deh Gah Got'ie First Nation.
March 23 will include youth activities and a juggling act by Eric the Juggler.
On March 24, there will be a corporate challenge outside the Snowshoe Inn, a singles crib tournament and a youth talent show and drum dance.
The following day includes an afternoon of traditional events and an adult talent show in the evening.
- April Hudson
Deadline approaches for Sahtu scholarship
The Sahtu Renewable Resources Board is encouraging Sahtu youth to apply for a new scholarship opportunity.
The Youth On The Land scholarship is available to youth between the ages of 18 and 30 but is also available to those who want to take a youth on the land, according to Joe Hanlon, program co-ordinator
"We're willing to work with the youth and the mentor, but it has to include someone 18 to 30," Hanlon said.
Applicants must provide information on the skills they're hoping to learn, the type of equipment required and the name and contact information for the person they're hoping will mentor them.
Hanlon said for those who don't have access to a computer, he can be reached at the board office in Tulita to help applicants put together their application package.
"I can work with them as long as they have an idea," he said.
The deadline to apply is March 24.
- Kassina Ryder
New power plant lights up
Qikiqtarjuaq's new power plant has a 1.8 megawatt capacity and a projected lifespan of 40 years.
Qulliq Energy Corporation announced completion of construction and testing for the modern plant on March 14.
"The new plant's environmental benefits include a reduction in carbon emissions and less sound pollution due to the installation of four new fuel-efficient generator sets as well as a hospital grade silencer," said Johnny Mike, MLA for Pangnirtung and minister responsible for Qulliq Energy Corporation, in his March 14 minister's statement. "The plant's new design can accommodate community expansion and already allows for the integration of renewable energy systems."
The building is part of a larger plan to upgrade power plants in Nunavut hamlets. A new power plant was also opened in Taloyoak in November and a similar facility is in the early planning stages for Cape Dorset.
- Beth Brown
Tobacco tax increases
An increase in the territorial tobacco tax will bring an added $4 million in revenue to the Government of Nunavut in 2017-18.
"Evidence suggests that increasing the cost of tobacco is an effective means to reduce tobacco consumption rates," stated Finance Minister Keith Peterson in a March 15 release.
The price hike brings the tobacco tax on cigarettes from 30 cents from 25 cents, the smoked tobacco tax doubled at 40 cents per gram from 20 cents, and the non-smoked tobacco up a dime to 30 cents per gram from 20 cents.
- Beth Brown
Beer and wine store proceeds
With the City of Iqaluit on board, the Nunavut Liquor commission is moving ahead with plans to open a beer and wine store in the capital, with construction set to begin in May.
"The Nunavut Liquor Commission is planning to add a retail storefront to its existing warehouse," explained Finance assistant deputy minister Dan Carlson.
"The storefront will be simple and modest, but will improve the looks of the building. The GN is going through a competitive tendering process for this work. The bidding process closed in February, and we are now working through our usual due diligence ... On this timeline, construction would begin in May, and should be completed early this summer."
Other items that need to be addressed are: acquiring and installing a point-of-sale system, hiring and training staff, and determining operational procedures, such as inventory, store hours and pricing.
- Michele LeTourneau
Court upholds sentence for man who stabbed wife
The Nunavut Court of Appeal has rejected an appeal for lighter sentencing by a Kugaaruk man convicted of second-degree murder.
Bruce Kayaitok, 39, killed Belinda Tootiak in June 2008, stabbing her twice with a broken mop handle.
His 2014 sentence was one of the longest in Nunavut
Kayaitok appealed to have his sentence reduced to manslaughter so he would be eligible for parole after 12 years instead of 15.
"Addressing the appellant's conviction first, the court concludes that the trial judge committed no reviewable error on any of the grounds asserted," the judges stated in a written judgement dated March 7.
The defendant's lawyer, James Morton, argued that the court made improper use of Kayaitok's past behaviour -his history of domestic abuse -when deciding his intent to murder.
Morton also argued that Kayaitok's behaviour following the death, such as cleaning up blood, did not lend itself to murder over manslaughter.
Finally he stated that the judge did not have enough expert evidence regarding the victim's wounds and that the court made assumptions on Kayaitok's capacity to understand the consequences of his actions, which the court
called common sense.
"The law is clear that evidence of bad character of the accused may be admitted where it is relevant to an issue," stated the judgment.
"The appellant chose not to seek immediate medical assistance, but instead devoted a substantial effort to cleaning up the blood at the scene, removing the murder weapon from the bathroom to the living room and purposefully hiding it between the couch cushions, before he took the deceased to the wellness centre where he then fabricated a story about what happened," stated the judgment.
"This was a brutal homicide of the appellant's common-law spouse representing the culmination of a long period of physical abuse. The appellant was sober. The offence was committed in the couple's home when the couple's two young children were present."
- Beth Brown
Indspire receives $2.5 million
A donation of $2.5 million will help the charity Indspire increase educational opportunities for indigenous youth.
The money is part of a $12 million donation by the Slaight Family Foundation, intended to build indigenous education.
The foundation supports health care, youth and cultural initiatives.
The $12 million is being distributed between 15 non-profit organizations.
"Funding will be used to create unique initiatives that build capacity and leadership within indigenous communities to strengthen the physical, mental, cultural and social well-being of First Nations, Metis and Inuit across Canada," stated a March 7 release.
Indspire will use the new funding for program development and delivery, as well as the creation of up to 750 new bursaries for indigenous students to pursue studies in arts, culture, and language.
"It will also impact up to 30,000 students by increasing Indspire's ability to support educators and communities who are working to improve the high school graduation rate," stated the release. The donations were made in collaboration with indigenous leaders in Canada.
"Private philanthropy has a very important role today in addressing one of the most challenging and promising areas of public policy investment," said Roberta Jamieson, president and CEO of Indspire.
- Beth Brown
Ashoona exhibit opens
An exhibit of drawings by Kinngait Artist Shuvinai Ashoona opened at Feheley Fine Arts in Toronto on March 11 and will run until April 8.
"We're having a blast," she told Nunavut News/North during the opening.
The collection, dubbed Curiosities, includes 36 pieces, primarily of ink and colour pencil drawings. The works bear titles like Imaginary Creatures, Kanayuk Ghost and Dragon Cat. The collection also includes a painted bass guitar.
"People around the world buy her work. Everybody who loves art buys her work," said Joemie Takpaungi, studio manager at West Baffin Eskimo Cooperative Ltd. in Cape Dorset.
In May, Ashoona was named to the Royal Canadian Academy of the Arts. She was unable to attend the ceremony but was presented with her award in person in February as a surprise during a community event. Ashoona was recently recognized during the winter sitting of the legislative assembly.
The artist is currently collaborating with other galleries for future shows, said Takpaungi.
- Beth Brown
Legislative assembly gets all dolled up
Two traditional dolls have been added to the collection of Inuit art at the Nunavut Legislative Assembly.
The donation comes from Angela Sperry-Friesen and her husband Doug who live in Rankin Inlet. The dolls belonged to the Arctic Anglican Church's first bishop, who was known to gift Inuit art to southern financial supporters of the church in the 1900s.
The Sperry-Friesen family are relatives of a later bishop of the Arctic Anglican church, Bishop John Sperry, who was himself re-gifted with one of these historical dolls in the 1980s.
"Bishop Sperry gave these dolls to his daughter, Angela Friesen, because, as he told her, he could see that the Arctic was in her heart," said Iqaluit-Niaqunnguu MLA Pat Angnakak, who recognized the donation in the legislative assembly on March 13.
"Bishop Sperry knew that his daughter would eventually make sure that these dolls found their permanent home in the Arctic."
She said when the couple saw the legislative assembly during a visit to Iqaluit, "they knew they had found the perfect Arctic home for the dolls that were passed on from Bishop Sperry and Bishop Fleming."
- Beth Brown
Strong women celebrated
More than 50 people braved blizzard-like conditions in the capital to celebrate women on International Women's Day March 8.
"We had 44 people, six speakers and five musicians. The food was excellent. It was such a really great evening," said Joanne Ashley who, with Edith Baragar and Lisa Kirk, organized the event under the auspices of the Public Service Alliance of Canada's Regional Women's Committee.
"And we had an international view because we had a woman who grew up in Africa. She spoke about Cameroon, her hopes for that country."
That was Ernestine Ngelah, who joined Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. president Aluki Kotierk, Nunavut Commissioner Nellie Kusugak, YWCA Agvvik director Suny Jacob, Caroline Anawak and Haley Anawak at the microphone.
"Aluki spoke about how Inuit women need to go back and capture their roots because it was a much more egalitarian society. They were much more equal, male and female," said Ashley.
Each of the guest speakers took their turn.
"Everyone really appreciated the diversity of perspectives. It ended up being three-and-a-half hours," said Ashley. "Nellie celebrated a lot of Inuit women in Nunavut and talked about each of them and why she felt they were very strong."
A group of women will meet on a regular basis to continue the dialogue, and everyone is welcome to join.
- Michele LeTourneau
Day-long ski trip planned
Qikiqtarjuaq/Broughton Island
The plan was a day of skiing a loop out to Bubbling Lake from Celine Jaccard's house in Qikiqtarjuaq March 11, but the weather was uncooperative.
"It was really cold. We went for a couple of hours skiing but we didn't go all the way to Bubbling Lake. We're hoping to do that this weekend if it's warmer and not stormy," said Jaccard, who is a Nunavut Youth LEAP instructor, as well as a Parks Canada employee.
"We ended up going to an iceberg, had a little snack and came back."
Maxine Quenneville Carroll, who runs the youth leadership organization in Iqaluit, sent the ski equipment to Jaccard for community use over the winter.
"We've done a lot of ski excursions throughout the winter. We started around Christmas-time and we went almost every day during the holidays. We go for an hour or two. The longest we've done is three hours," said Jaccard, who adds the skiing is open to anyone 13 and up.
Now they go out about once a week.
"There are a lot of youth motivated to go skiing. It's really awesome to see that. We have a few regulars that come almost every time and we have new people every time, too. It's been fun to see that. There's quite a lot of interest."
In April, when it's time for Iqaluit ski programs, Jaccard will send the equipment back to Carroll.
- Michele LeTourneau
All about science
Solar technology, info on outer space and the specifics of baking were all on display at the Netsilik School science fair on March 10. Students from kindergarten to Grade 12 built posterboard presentations and interactive models. The school gym was lined with rows of projects and well attended by the community.
There were 76 projects in total.
Four projects from the senior high classes will be sent to the Kitikmeot Regional Science Fair hosted this year by Qiqirtaq High School in Gjoa Haven from March 24 to 26.
Winners of the regional fair will be selected to attend a national science festival in Regina in May.
The panel of judges for the school science fair included Montreal-based Hugo Camato, who is also known The Mad Scientist. He visited Taloyoak for two weeks to teach youth in the community about science.
- Beth Brown
Time to drum
A week-long drumming workshop will be held in Iqaluit.
Fifteen drummers, including some from five other Nunavut communities, will get together for intensive training, practice and mentorship March 25 to 31 thanks to Qaggiavuut.
"The drum is very important to our culture," stated master Inuit drummer Pakak Innuksuk of Iglulik in a news release.
Innuksuk will teach drum-making, Inuit-drum terminology, history and techniques. He will be joined by Susan Aglukark's drummer Craig Bignell and Tanya Tagaq's drummer Jean Martin.
The workshop will combine the traditional drum with contemporary drum-kit and electronic percussion techniques.
"You can learn a lot about the culture from learning the drum ... Our people love being happy. They played the drum and sang the songs to hold on to those moments when they were happy," said Innuksuk.
Qaggiavuut project manager and singer-songwriter Looee Arreak adds, "We need to teach youth the drum, it's being lost, but music needs rhythm!"
Any drummers who are interested should contact Qaggiavuut.
- Michele LeTourneau