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Friday, January 13, 2017
Charges laid in October assault outside Bruno's
RCMP confirmed this week they have charged two men in connection to an assault outside Bruno's Deli and Pizza on Oct. 22 that sent a man to Edmonton hospital by medevac.
Yellowknife residents Aaron Cluney, 24, and Dylan Cluney, 24, were charged on Jan. 8 with aggravated assault and assault, according to RCMP spokesperson Marie York-Condon.
They are set to appear in territorial court on Feb. 21.
- Kirsten Fenn
High winds blamed for power outage
High winds are getting the blame for a blackout early Wednesday morning that cut power to 862 customers, mostly in the Niven Lake area.
According to Northland Utilities, power went out just after 3:30 a.m.
Crews came in and assessed the damage, repaired the equipment and everybody got their electricity back at about 5:15 a.m., according to Northland.
- John McFadden
MACA public review to be held
The public is invited to a review of the Auditor General of Canada's report into support to communities by the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA) next Tuesday.
It is being hosted by the Standing Committee on Government Operations and begins at 10:30 a.m. in committee room A at the legislative assembly building.
The auditor had sharp criticism for MACA last October, reporting the department is not doing enough for communities when it comes to areas like fire protection, waste management and emergency preparedness.
- John McFadden
Ice rinks open
The City of Yellowknife advises residents in this week's Capital Update that a number of ice rinks across the city have opened for public use.
These rinks include Jeske Crescent Park, School Draw Park, Forrest Drive Park, Tommy Forrest Ball Field and Frame Lake.
Frame Lake's skating rink also features a skating oval.
- John McFadden
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Outage leaves Liard without power
High winds left more than 100 people in Fort Liard without power on Jan. 6 and forced the closure of Echo Dene School after a falling tree hit one of the community's power lines.
The Northwest Territories Power Corporation estimates approximately 160 people were affected by the outage, which occurred mid-morning after school had begun. The power outage meant the school lost access to water until the problem was resolved.
Feds, GNWT start in-person service pilot
People looking to access Service Canada's programs in Fort Providence, Fort Liard and Tuktoyaktuk will be able to do so in-person through GNWT staff.
As part of an effort to provide in-person services to Northwest Territories residents, the federal government announced on Jan. 9 it was launching a 12-month service delivery program with the help of the GNWT that would allow territorial employees to provide services on behalf of Service Canada.
Programs and services encompassed in that include apprenticeship grants, the Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance, the Guaranteed Income Supplement, Old Age Security and the Wage Earner Protection Program. The Fort Liard service point will be at the hamlet office, while Fort Providence's will be at the Snowshoe Inn.
Traditional games practise begins
Students at Bompas Elementary School in Fort Simpson have begun practising for upcoming traditional games in Yellowknife.
Youth between the ages of 10 and 12 practised Jan. 10 and 12. Four girls and four boys will be selected to attend the games, which run from Feb. 23 to 26.
RCMP investigate death in Nahanni Butte
The RCMP and the Northwest Territories Coroner Service are investigating the death of a 33-year-old man whose body was found in Nahanni Butte last week.
According to RCMP media relations spokesperson Marie York-Condon, no foul play is suspected.
York-Condon stated in an e-mail the Coroner Services has ordered a post-mortem examination.
The identity of the deceased has not been released.
Recycling depot re-opens
Fort Simpson's recycling depot, run by Rowe's Recycling, is open again after closing its doors briefly in December. The depot operates in the afternoons on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Sunday bar debate next Wednesday
A public meeting to discuss the latest proposal to allow the Mad Trapper bar to sell alcohol on Sundays during summer weekends will take place at the Midnight Sun Complex at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 18.
The town voted down a similar attempt last year, though the new proposal is more moderate than the previous one.
Council urged to speak against drilling ban
Tom Zubko came to council Monday night expressing upset at the Trudeau government's move in conjunction with the United States of America to ban licenses for offshore drilling in the Arctic ocean, an announcement that came just before Christmas.
"I'm still lost for words," he said at council. "Without any consultation whatsoever, the Prime Minister made a decision that he is going to take away all the potential future that offshore exploration, drilling and production would afford our children and grandchildren. I'm absolutely appalled that he would do something like this."
Zubko urged the council to send a letter to the federal government expressing the limits such a move puts on the Northern economy.
"I think (what Trudeau did) should be condemned," said Coun. Vince Sharpe. "They're just walking all over us."
Senior administrative officer Grant Hood said the town's administration strongly supports what Zubko said and that he would be working on a strategy to communicate these issues along with Inuvialuit and Gwich'in organizations.
Breastfeeding training and support class
Inuvik will be hosting a breastfeeding peer support training class Jan. 25 – 27.
The class aims to teach effective and meaningful ways of supporting mothers in the community to overcome breastfeeding challenges and create a satisfying and successful breastfeeding relationship.
Babies and children are welcome, with childcare available upon requests. Meals, snacks and refreshments will be provided.
To register or for more information, contact: info@momsboobsandbabies.com.
Another step along the highway
The federal and territorial governments announced $20 million in funding for the construction of a 14-kilometre all-season access road from Norman Wells to Canyon Creek last week.
The road is hoped to improve the ability to transport goods and equipment throughout the area, while helping to open new business opportunities in the Sahtu.